digital storage space

I'm so stupid! I didn't pay attention to where they were going, and now I can't find the folder they are in. What file extension would they have be given? I can do an *. whatever search.
How do I delete them off my computer? I found them by searching for avi files, but no folders show them taking up 60 gigs and when I try to delete them that doesn't help either.
How do I delete the video that I put onto my laptop

My drive is now full at 80GB

I've tried to delete the files but that doesn't do it.

I've followed all the paths to where the files should be stored and it still won't delete them.

Is there some trick, or am I being an ignorant noob.

Oh, I'm using Adobe Elements Premiere 7
Silly question, but after deleting the files did you empty your Recycle bin (windows desktop) or Trash (mac desktop)?

Ah, looks like the files are still there. Are you deleting them from within elements? Is elements still running? Have to tried a restart and then deleting them? Alternatively, have you tried deleting them from cmd prompt? Also, does the account you are using have rights to delete the files?

Just throwing these out there.
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Back to the digital storage space, keep an eye out for deals.. but Walmart has a 1TB external drive for $106 and you'll never have to delete files!! Like Zen said, I keep a seperate external drive (jump drive or passport) for every film/video project. Makes it easier to find files. Then I use an easy way of finding files by using the standard filing system:

A.Main folder (w/ film title)

-1. Sound folder
--1a. sound FX
--1b. over dub
--1c. music
--1d. voice over

-2. Video folder
--2a. broken down to each scene

-3. project files folder

-4. still image folder

Use a similar system to this and keep it on an external drive and you will always be able to find what you need when you need it and never have questions if something was deleted or not. Depending on your software you can capture straight to the folder you need as well.
...Walmart has a 1TB external drive for $106...

Be careful of these "budget" drives. They are usually USB, and I have had several crash after only light usage. One Maxtor drive I used only for back ups at the end of sessions crashed after two weeks.

For "small" storage needs you can back up to DVD or BluRay disks. DVDs hold about 4gigs, BluRay about 7gigs.