Difference in price for lenses

Awhile back I went to the store and asked them how much the lenses they sold were, and they showed me some...they were around $50 to $100.

Yet on the internet, I hear that lenses are hundreds of dollars easily.

Why is the discrepancy so big? I don't know what the difference in quality is.
Focal length, zoom or prime, speed (how much light it lets in), brand, auto features (focus, motorized aperture), image stabilization, silent motors, build quality and overall image quality.

Lenses might be the most important part of your camera kit image-wise. They're also one of the best investments gear wise. Electronics like a camera body will be outdated a week or two after you buy it, quality lenses will last you several cameras into the future. People still buy vintage lenses an adapt them to modern camera bodies.