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action describing unseen actions

Ok, here's what I'm envisioning:

Guy on floor, group crouched around him. View is blocked by their backs. Comment indicating what's about to happen. Camera moves back and the shot fades as one of the characters makes another comment.

Here's my problem:

How do I describe what's happening and indicate that the action isn't entirely visible? I know I shouldn't put any sort of 'we see' or 'the camera does this' so how do I show that their backs block the viewers, er, view?

Also, I'm not writing this to sell, I'm writing it for me (I know that will be one of the first questions lol).
I would assume that it's important that the action be hidden from the audience. If that's true, why does the audience need to know more than the characters are willing to comment upon?

Depending upon what the action might be, it's possible to do it with sound. It's tough to know what to advise you without knowing the action and how it pertains to the plot.
I agree with Alcove. Since I have no idea what exactly the plot is, I'd also have to say sound would help. If you don't want to show what exactly is going on, a certain sound could keep the viewer guessing what actually is going on.
You're not writing to sell, you are writing for yourself. You can use
"we see" and you can write what the camera will do.

Since all the action isn't visible, you should write what action is visible.
p.s. The reason I don't want to show the action is because it's quite gory and I thought it would be more effective if it wasn't graphically shown, if that makes sense.

p.p.s. Alcove, you'd be so proud of me, I already included the sound, in detail :p

Thanks again guys :D