"Derailed" for 48 hour fil

Finished another successful 48 hour film !

We drew Western genre. Freaked us out at first but I thing we pulled it off!

Here is a screen grab and will post movie link tomorrow night!


I don't like the low-res-i-ness of the screengrab, but I sure do like the composition and coloring. Also, I think you're one of the few 48HFP filmmakers who could actually pull off the Western genre. Me? I couldn't do it, not now anyway.
I snapped the image from the iPhone screen. It sucks but I couldnt wait to post it haha and thank u for the compliment! This was actually a test to see of I can pull off a western theme, since the feature I'm writing is a modern day western with similar colors.

I ll put up a link as soon as 48hfp will let me!