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Death March art demo

Just as a time stamp I'd like to note that this video was completed before either runway gen 3 or Sora became available. Runway gen 3 did just launch about an hour ago but does not yet have full controls or capabilities and is only text to video at the moment. This video took about a week to complete, And was basically just an opportunity to refine the final art style for Death March.

For people unfamiliar with the project, Death March is a standalone feature film in production with the save point pipeline, Intended for eventual streaming distribution on completion.

I'm targeting release for the finished film before the end of this year.

This video is available in native 4K if you watch it on youtube.
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Some really cool images
Thanks! The next one is going to be crazy. I do feel like the spider dog still need a little more design work, But overall it seems to be coming together. Depending on how much work I get done this month I can actually see the entire pipeline being essentially complete at the end of the month.