archived-videos Death Bed

We were considering waiting until Halloween to release this, but the temptation to post has overcome me... So, without further ado...

I present to you, Death Bed... This is the film Knightly and I shot last weekend for the 13 day Halloween Horror competition. After a grueling 36 hour marathon on location (only about an hour of sleep) I jumped into the 2 and a half day edit and sound mix. All said and done I think I slept about 8 hours in the 5+ days I worked on it, the proceeded to crash for 13 hours when it had been mailed... :lol:
Anyway, enjoy!
(Run time, 9:30. File size, 31MB)
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Wow guys, that was really great stuff!

Have you seen Nacho Cerda's "Aftermath?" I was feeling a reference to that during the surgery scene. Great production value for a quick turnaround.

I'd like to come back and add some more later...
Yea it was fun to watch. I watched it with my girlfriend and she was really grossed out, but also said she liked the ending...which scares me a little :).

I'll show you guys our entry as soon as I can. A series of unfortunate events happened, but I gave everyone a credit in the film that posted to my lighting question and a plug for indietalk :). Thanks again for your help and good luck to your film!
We just got the news, we've made the top 10! We'll be screening in London at:

Bar Kick
127 Shoreditch High Street,
E1 6JE

Doors open at 7pm the programme starts 7.30pm.
Well done Will and Knightly!

Also i heard this morning that the organisers are launching the Budget Film Maker Film Festival, coming soon...
Well, we didn't win.

But we made it into the screening, which was our primary goal. (For the imdb listing)

Here's the list, as posted on their site:

Winner: Best Film
"ZZZ" (Team: 48)

2nd Place
"The Booth" (Team: 71)

3rd Place
"Don't Go Home With Strangers" (Team: 77)

"Bound" (Team: FB FILMS)
"The Quiet Darkness" (Team: 76)
"Cut Throat Alley" (Team: Kayak Productions)
"Saturday Night Creature" (Team: Lumb Film)
"Itch" (Team: Scratchers)
"Dark Whispers" (Team: Burnt At The Stake)
"Death Bed" (Team: Yafi Underground)

I don't know if being last on that list means last place, or just has to do with the team number (we were team #98) -- likely the second.

Anyway, while it would have been nice to win the whole thing, we were screened, at an international venue/event, in front of a paying audience, and we get an IMDB listing out of it.. in my book, we did win.
Congratulations on getting in. I never got an e-mail from them so assumed we didn't make the finalists. It was a nice surprise this morning to see we DID get in the top ten! The Quiet Darkness... woo-hoo!

Speaking IMDB, do they enter our information or do we have to?
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Hey Will Vincent

That was well shot. The opening shot was super smooth. What did you guys use?

Also... question. For my next film, i am trying to create the very same thing you have done in the last shot. I want to shoot the severed head of the leading actress for a shot. How did u guys accomplish that? I will be using film.... so your tips/suggestions are highly appreciated.

Thanks much
Hey, just saw this now. Awesome. Very well done. I love the gorey doctor, man. The scene where he's just sticking it to the unconscious patient was wickedly brutal.
Hey Will Vincent

That was well shot. The opening shot was super smooth. What did you guys use?
In fact it wasn't completely smooth.. there is some noticable camera shake at the end of the shoot.. But this was done with a jib arm mounted on a dolly. We used a large flatbed cart that the hospital had, then as I pulled the cart back away from the actors as they moved toward us, Knightly craned up with the jib.

Also... question. For my next film, i am trying to create the very same thing you have done in the last shot. I want to shoot the severed head of the leading actress for a shot. How did u guys accomplish that? I will be using film.... so your tips/suggestions are highly appreciated.

Thanks much
I'm actually working on a tutorial for this..

For the time being, I'll tell you that it was done by shooting the crane shot with the actress lying in place, then keeping the camera in the same ending spot, she got up, and the blood was poured in place to make the clean plate. The final look was a composite that involved a CG neck piece (the bloody stump) a garbage matte to remove the body from the shot, and then tracking the clean plate with the original movement. It didn't quite work how we intended, as the scene was much too dark to be able to do any kind of automated motion tracking, so I ended up just fading to black when the door shuts, and crossfading into the final clip, then tracking it up into it's final position by hand.

Thanks.. I'm glad you liked it! :D
Hey, just saw this now. Awesome. Very well done. I love the gorey doctor, man. The scene where he's just sticking it to the unconscious patient was wickedly brutal.

You would have loved some of the scenes we had to cut from the script then.. It was sad to see them go, but necessary for run time limits, and shoot/post time concerns.
Glad you liked it!