archived-videos CRUTCH - Trailer

Hi rmoretti... went to check out your trailer but it doesn't seem to be there. it's saying 'object not found' on the address... look forward to watching it when it's up.
Wow, that was interesting. It left me with so many questions (that's a good thing in my book). I'm not really sure what the movie's about, but I want to find out. The sound was not great, and the cinematography was good in some areas and not so good in others. But overall it's a very good trailer.

Let us know when the film screens and where.

What camera did you shoot on?

There's a pretty good synopsis on the website.

The still-shots on the site didn't seem too exciting... but when the trailer link was fixed... wow! 8)

Very nicely done.
Yeah, I looked around on the site and saw the synopsis, but I was referring to how the trailer left me with a feeling of "What is that about?"

Thanks for all the feedback! It's a film based on a true story growing up in an alcoholic family and well, growing up too fast...

We shot it digitally, and we are currently in talks with a distributor for a theatrical release!

Wish me luck!

Again, thanks for the support.
really? What Distributer would that be? Please pass on name for me... I been having Distributers give me a hard time. Iv only approached one once, New Line Cinema, What they told me was "Digital Has not got it to film, come back when you are a REAL FILMmaker".... So please, what Distributer is it?\\

Thank you very very much,


My opinion on your trailer:

The subject matter (a gay actor struggling with his sexuality and career) is really overused. I saw two last night at a local film festival and see this subject often in festivals.

But it looks great and the acting comes off as quite professional with one glaring exception.

How about a little technical info:
What camera did you shoot with?
Has Brain shot features before? It sure looks great.
What editing system did you use?
How many shooting days?
Did you pay your cast and crew?

Very impressive trailer!
Technical Info:

The film was shot with the DVX100, 24p Advanced with an Anamorphic Adapter and black mist filters. Brain has shot features, and has also worked in the camera department on some major Hollywood films. I did the editing on a MAC G4 with Final Cut 4.1. We shot for 21 days, came in ontime and under budget. The cast and crew took this project to heart after meeting me and reading the script, they agreed to work on a deferred basis. It was, however, a SAG film.

Thanks for the feedback. I agree, there are many gay films made. One problem, most of them suck and appear to play too gay. This film is real, and people can relate whether gay or straight... It has so many different themes going on many can take something from it and relate.
Excellent work all around, Rob.

While I would never say most of them suck, I agree that most gay themed movies aren't very good. It's hard for the non gay, non actor to relate to both struggles.

I wonder if your movie wouldn't be better served by a trailer that doesn't give the impression I got. I didn't get the feeling that there was anything in your movie that I, a straight, non actor, could relate to.

On the other hand: you have already found a company that is willing to talk to you about a theatrical release. Very few digitally shot movies get that chance!

Keep us informed.
lied to? When did I lie Directly to you? I dont remember doing that? What, do you think im lieing about making two feature? Do you want me to send them to you to prove myself... what?

Please tell me, for what I care, what you mean.

Saw the Trailer. Haven't been here in a while. Wow Frankie Faison...that's impressive.

Overall, it was okay, I think a lot of places the picture was too dark. Perhaps it works projected but online it was too dark to really appreciate it.

The story seems fairly familiar but it certainly would warrant a screening at a film festival or a rental on my part.

Good luck with it,

I would have to agree with everything martay said.. I tossed it up for our members to look at and linked to your site, hope it helps expose your movie even more.

It was a bit dark, but still worth watching.