Cowboys and Aliens Trailer

Recently, I saw the trailer for the new Cowboys and Aliens movie. ( Link Below) Starring Daniel Craig (James Bond), and Harrison Ford, I'm sorry, but I need to know... am I the only one that thinks this looks stupid beyond belief?It looks terrible..:lol:. Just curious what others think, I think it looks terrible.
Recently, I saw the trailer for the new Cowboys and Aliens movie. ( Link Below) Starring Daniel Craig (James Bond), and Harrison Ford, I'm sorry, but I need to know... am I the only one that thinks this looks stupid beyond belief?It looks terrible..:lol:. Just curious what others think, I think it looks terrible.

I'm looking forward to it. The graphic novel it's based on is pretty well-liked, if I understand correctly. And I think Jon Favreau is the perfect director to take on this project. Should be good Summertime popcorn fun.
Trailer looks pretty interesting. Based on that alone, I'd watch it.

There's been a lot of negative press about it, though - lots of angsty fanboys of the source material, and also lots of peeps with a bad taste in their mouth from Wild Wild West.

Also, this thread is perfect opportunity to abuse this smilie: :abduct:
Trailer looks pretty interesting. Based on that alone, I'd watch it.

There's been a lot of negative press about it, though - lots of angsty fanboys of the source material, and also lots of peeps with a bad taste in their mouth from Wild Wild West.

Also, this thread is perfect opportunity to abuse this smilie: :abduct:

Personally I don't like Daniel Craig, so I'm a bit biased towards it. But it is the right part for him, I just don't like him as Bond.
Personally I don't like Daniel Craig, so I'm a bit biased towards it. But it is the right part for him, I just don't like him as Bond.

You know I felt that way about Craig too, but like track no. 6 on a so-so CD, he's growing on me. I kind of have accepted him as 007 - the new century Bond is kind'a working for me now.
I've never seen a James Bond played both as physical and vulnerable as Daniel Craig does. (I've always liked Connery for his viciousness and Craig brings that back for me.) I think he makes a great Bond and I think that COWBOYS AND ALIENS will be a lot of fun.
I've never seen a James Bond played both as physical and vulnerable as Daniel Craig does. (I've always liked Connery for his viciousness and Craig brings that back for me.) I think he makes a great Bond and I think that COWBOYS AND ALIENS will be a lot of fun.

My issue with him as Bond is he's just so Terminator haha.

Bond is supposed to be a tall dark haired Brit that is quirky womanizer. He's not quirky at all, he doesn't have any charm. Also bond is supposed to have lots of cool gadgets, I think the coolest gadget in Casino Royale was well.. the defibulator?:lol: I laughed when I found out Craig wears platforms in Bond.. I don't know how he runs in them..

I think he's a good actor, I just don't think he fits the part of Bond at all. I think Connery and Brosnan fit the part well. Connery WAS Bond. And brosnan had the perfect bond attitude and look. Goldeneye was amazing.

Anyway, Craig didn't have much of a career before Bond, I think he was in Tomb Raider? So I'm interested to see how he fairs in this role.

As for him as Bond though, I still hate it lol