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watch Cool Nola

Okay, this whole "promotional" thing has me more than little confused... from where I sit, pretty much everything we do online is some form of self promotion, ya know? Anyway, I'm pretty sure this is the right section of the forum to lay a little clip on you for Grins and Giggles ONLY.

Nola and I made this back in 2008. It was a video response to some forums that were trying to brow beat us into submission... hey, I'm all for trying to stay within the T&C of a place... but march along like a mindless Trog?? Forget about it.

This was Nola's first choreographed stage fight, and she was Awesome! I am Not getting hurt in this vid.

Again, this is just a sample of our work, for Grins and Giggles only, give you all a chance to see what we look like, the kind of stuff we like to do, etc.

Feedback is welcome but not required... we're both pretty secure in who and what we are.
Critique is also welcome but not required... I Know it could be tighter, cleaner, better framed, color corrected, etc etc yadda yadda... we make these flicks for us, friends and family, and anyone else who gets a kick out of 'em.

You'll need QuickTime to see the thing... *ponders* hey, a quick time tag! wonder how it works... not seeing a tutorial anywhere... let's experiment!!

WOW! It Works! This place ROCKS!!

well, if it didn't embed for You, then

here's a direct link to the thing


rock on!
Well if you're secure and making these vids for urself, thats great! I wish i had homevids like these!

What else can i say without saying that here we try and learn from each other to become better at film making. oops, i guess i said it. :)

In all seriousness the vid is nice and fun and i enjoyed it.
Well, you know how it is.... folks put time, energy, effort, LOVE, into a project, and all they want to hear in return is Praise... throw your own kid into the mix and forget about it, anything less than a Stellar comment from someone and there they go, off into a devastated tizzy fit *laughs*

I was just trying to emphasize that we're not like that... folks can say she's ugly, or the flick is lame, or whatever, and we're cool with that. Constructive criticism is ALWAYS welcome, but needs to be taken into context...

A little hummer I learned during my stint at the Culinary Institute of America was this:

"Intended Purpose"

McDonalds can indeed be considered haute cuisine if that is your intended purposes / intended audience... Of Course Emeril or some other fancy chef like that is going to rip you a new one if you tried to pass that meal off on Him, but he's not the target audience so it's all good.

As stated, this bit was made to target a handful of specific.. um 'people' at a certain forum that was giving us a hard time... they were trying to brow beat us into goose stepping along with their mindless masses... and we wouldn't do it. They began to threaten us,


we retaliated with an audio / visual extravaganza that was WAY out of their league... something they could never produce or distribute, something that said "we're through being cool with you guys, we're taking this up a notch, and you know what? We're so bleeping HAPPY with who and what we are that there's really Nothing you little hinky dinks can do to us that can bring us down"

in that respect, it served its purpose well, they backed way off, stopped stalking us, even got friendly and apologetic after a while *laughs* (the freeks)

Now then... MTV quality?? *bursts out Laughing!!* not a chance. And we know it... but that was never our purpose so it's all good.

really, I just wanted to give you all a chance to see our ugly mugs, and a small sample of some of the stuff we do, tha's all *shrugs*

oh... and I'm ego boosting, too... gotta boost that ol' ego, 'cause, you know... I'm old, and pathetic, and alla that kinda stuff there *grins*

gotta go pick the little one up from school now,

catch you all on the flip side