archived-videos "Conundrum" short is posted

My friend and I like to make movies just for fun. We have no delusions of grandeur of being great at this, but we have fun. This is one we made one Saturday called Conundrum. It has some sound issues. It's mostly some low dialogue. I need to go back and remix it I think. So when they start talking you may need to turn it up a little. It's about 10 minutes long. Tell me what you think.

Here's the link.
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That's a fantastic gimmick/concept you came up with. :cool:

Started off a bit slow; pacing not so hot. Quicker edits would have helped.

Looks like you weren't setting white-balance as you changed locations. Dialogue a bit muddy, too.

Great open-ended story, though. Very Twilight Zone-ish situation to be in. I liked it. :)
Zensteve said:
That's a fantastic gimmick/concept you came up with. :cool:

Started off a bit slow; pacing not so hot. Quicker edits would have helped.

Looks like you weren't setting white-balance as you changed locations. Dialogue a bit muddy, too.

Great open-ended story, though. Very Twilight Zone-ish situation to be in. I liked it. :)

Thanks, yeah, I need to chop up the first 4 minutes or so. If you get bored watching it just jump ahead to about the 5 minute mark and it gets a little more interesting.
A lot of the technical issues we have are because we don't have any idea what we are doing. I'm more of an idea type guy. I love to make my movies and make my friends laugh or just shake their heads. I appreciate the comliments and the suggestions.