Conect with another human

Hey, this forum is awesome and everything.. but Id like to maybe meet a human with similar interest in making a short film, on a nano-budget. :D

I live near Longview Washington, and work near Hillsboro Oregon.
Im an 42 year old software eng. (Id call my self a redneck but, being in high tech sorta throws the whole image off) with way too much creativity and I am a real idea person. Anyone in my locale interested in working on something together? An actor would be good.

Please direct me to a more appropriate forum if this is inappropriate.

Hey, wheatgrinder --

You're just up the road from me. Maybe we can hook up one of these days.

Yes Astoria is close, I was just there the other day..

Hey I looked up 2001 production in Astoria, I take it that you :-)

Based on your web site and postings it seems your very advanced in this profession (to me just a hobby)

You wouldn't know it from my income, though. ;)

I cant imagine! :cool:

Maybe in your efforts you've run across others in our area, that might be more in my "league." Folks that would be interested in working on a weekend \ after day job project? I take my creative endeavors very seriously, and put a lot into it, so passion is there, however, dedication is a part time thing! :D
Anyone in my locale interested in working on something together? An actor would be good.

I think you'd be surprised at how far actors will travel for a gig... especially non-established actors, and there are many good ones.

Get your project together first; worry about casting later. :cool:

Unless you're planning on a more spontaneous kind of thing, I guess. There's a benefit to those, though, too.
I think you'd be surprised at how far actors will travel for a gig... especially non-established actors, and there are many good ones.

Get your project together first; worry about casting later. :cool:

Unless you're planning on a more spontaneous kind of thing, I guess. There's a benefit to those, though, too.

Wow, I just learned this myself.
I posted an ad on my local Craigslist, it was very clear that Im a complete amateur, just looking for others folks in my neighborhood that might want to start something up.. So far I have resumes for a Production Manager, International Cinematographer, and a request to help on a "walk in the woods" shoot!

Times must be tough out there, I feel for you pros even more!
You're close enough to Portland that you should have no problems finding people. I know a lot of great film people there.

I'm just far enough away that I end up having to do everything myself.