Columbia college Hollywood?

ill be a sophmore in high school this year, but i was looking at film schools, and this one popped up what is good and bad about it
I know a guy who taught there and he said it was a good program and the connections were good for after school, but not as good as USC, UCLA or the AFI. That was several years back.

I haven't heard anything about it per se, but I am applying at Columbia College Chicago for Spring Quarter 2006. They're affiliated, I believe. Columbia College Chicago, not sure necessarily about in Hollywood, is considered a very good film school, with a greatly artistic atmosphere and is not as congested as NY and LA, that's why I like it. You should check out the website: I'm not working for recuiting people to the school, I'm just interested in it. Hope I helped you.

I`m interested in this college too.
My first plan is to apply for 2 year transfer program and than transfer to UCLA.
Tuitions in this college are a bit higher than I expected.