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Color Test

Guys, first I just want to mention that I don't know nuthin' about color. That being said, as I was editing, I was playing around with some templates. I just want the experts to tell me what's wrong with each of the templates, so that when we actually give this to a color corrector, I can speak like half an idiot and not a complete one.

Video: 5 thirty second clips of the same scene

password: redbox

Also feel free to chastise me on how I didn't take into consideration the post production limitations when lighting the scene, and how I could have done it better. Honestly, I'm interested in that type of criticism, so I don't do it next time.

Edit: The first scene is without color correction.
And um... let's not comment on the framing. I'm not all that happy with it either
Edit: let's also not mention focus :(
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Colour correction and colour grading are two different things.

You colour correct when matching different shots by adjusting the white balance, brightness, exposure, contrast etc so that all of them look the same.

Then you colour grade to give the scene a certain look or feel like adding a cool blue tint or a warming it up etc.

About the one shot repeated three times, the first uncorrected one looks the best to me. The second looks ok . Three and five feel a little bluish and doesn't suit the feel imho and the fourth looks overdone. But when it comes with grading, it's all subjective and you can go with whatever suits your vision.
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You colour correct when matching different shots by adjusting the white balance, brightness, exposure, contrast etc so that all of them look the same.

Then you colour correct to give the scene a certain look or feel like adding a cool blue tint or a warming it up etc.

Methinks he might have meant "Then you color grade to give the scene a certain look or feel"
Thanks for looking and for the comments boyz. I was just having some fun.

Funny thing Earnest, is that although I had read about the difference between correction and grading before, the difference never sank in. Today somebody else explained it to me, and then I come read your explanation. Pretty good :)

Just in case you are interested, non filmmakers seem to be split between 5 and 3 and everybody hates 4.
This is going to sound odd, but outside of the non-grade first set, the fourth one is my favorite. The others all feel overexposed/underexposed and the coloring doesn't match up well to me. The reason the 4th one feels right though could be because it seems the most dreamy and I am tired and ready for bed.
Just in case you are interested, non filmmakers seem to be split between 5 and 3 and everybody hates 4.

I read Seq 1 3 and thought there were three clips. So i checked the beginning, middle and end. But there are five so my numbers were off.

I watched it again and edited my first post with the correct numbers. One still looks best to me and two isnt bad. Three and five are cool/blue looking which doesnt suit the morning (but it depends on what kind of a morning she's having and the feel you are going for) and four is the one that looks way overdone.

Sorry for the confusion :)
This is going to sound odd, but outside of the non-grade first set, the fourth one is my favorite. The others all feel overexposed/underexposed and the coloring doesn't match up well to me. The reason the 4th one feels right though could be because it seems the most dreamy and I am tired and ready for bed.

Exactly the reason I chose it. the whole "dreamy" thing. The name of the short is "Dream Box." But nooooo. All the regular people, 'non filmmakers' thought it was 'awful,' 'terrible,' etc. There could be 5 people looking at the scene, and they would unanimously shake their heads and say "mm mm" "no no" etc at 4.

It was an interesting day today.
Honestly, I hate that secnd shot/sequence of shots. If I had to choose one out of them for that second shot, I'd go with the un-graded. The rest seem to really overexpose it, regardless of the odd framing.

Focusing on that first shot - the move in, I did actually like 4 as well as 5, though 5 not quite as much. The issue with both 4 and 5 is that once it cuts to that second dissolve sequence, it almost increases the effect by 50+%. 4 could be good, but you might just wanna bring it back just a touch - ie, about 15% less on that first shot and maybe 40+% less on the second sequence.

Your window is also hugely blown out, I'd have ND gelled it which would have helped with the dynamic range of the scene, the highlights would've held better and it would've lookde less 'digital'. I also would've dressed the room a little more, or at least framed it very differently. I did like the first move in shot, though I still would've ND'd that window.
Exactly the reason I chose it. the whole "dreamy" thing. The name of the short is "Dream Box." But nooooo. All the regular people, 'non filmmakers' thought it was 'awful,' 'terrible,' etc. There could be 5 people looking at the scene, and they would unanimously shake their heads and say "mm mm" "no no" etc at 4.

Did you show them the whole short or just the clip you posted here because then it is out of context.

That's the reason i said:
But when it comes with grading, it's all subjective and you can go with whatever suits your vision.

(but it depends on what kind of a morning she's having and the feel you are going for)

Btw, will you post the short here when it's done? Would love to see it. PM me incase i miss the thread :)
Did you show them the whole short or just the clip you posted here because then it is out of context.

That's the reason i said:
Btw, will you post the short here when it's done? Would love to see it. PM me incase i miss the thread :)

just showed them the clip.

I'll try to post it. I'm afraid the producer has plans to send it to festivals (I personally think it's a waste of money). So release is not really up to me. :(. But if it's put up on the web, of course I'll put it up here. I might just do a password protected version, just for you guys :)