Claymation question

Hello all,

I was wondering if anyone could make some recommendations for materials to use for stop-motion animation. I'm toying with the idea of using modelling clay instead of puppets as I want to make the characters good and expressive but I was wondering if anyone could suggest a particularly brand/type of clay I should go for? The normal plasticine stuff you get is a bit too maleable; once it gets warm (particular with lights) its very difficult to keep shapes consistent.

Claytoon is a clay designed for claymation. But other than colors
it's not much different than normal Plastalina. The different colors
are very convenient Sure, there are challenges like using it under
the lights - but that's learning to use your tools. The larger the
puppet, the easier it is to manipulate. Sometimes you just must
turn off the lights and wait.
First Post. Great Forum by the way.

Me and my eleven year old son have done a few claymations, just as something creative to do together. I prefer the sculpey III polymer clay. It's not as soft as some of the generic modeling clay you get at a store. It's hard, but manageable. Doesn't dry. And if needed, you can pop it in the oven and bake it. This became useful when we needed something like a gun or anything that the characters themselves would hold or use.

Here is one we did awhile back.