Choosing a standard lens for the 550d...

Choosing a standard prime for the 550d...

I have a 550d/T2i and am looking for a lens within the 28-35mm mark, so basically, the equivalent of around a 50mm lens (with the 1.6 crop).

At the moment I'm tossing up between the canon 28mm 1.8, sigma 28mm 1.8 or the sigma 30mm 1.4...

Are there any other options I'm missing?

And which lens would you choose?
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The sigma is designed for crop sensor cameras, do id go for the 30mm 1.4
Also have a look at older Nikon/Nikkor lenses, they are supposed to be great with an adaptor and I am in the market for some of those too!
The sigma is designed for crop sensor cameras, do id go for the 30mm 1.4

It being designed for crop sensor cameras would make me want to get the others… if they're FF lenses, not only will you be able to use them with a wider range of cameras, but vignetting and edge sharpness will be substantially better on crop cameras.
I've used the Canon 28 1.8 a few times (on a crop sensor) and can vouch for it. It's a nifty little lens, not the best, but better than some others I've used.

It seemed a little soft wide open. Granted any lens is, but this one softer than say the Canon 50 1.4 is wide open.