Child Actors


I have a 11 year old in my film for one day and struggle a bit with contracts and such. She is non-union. The father told me that if we shoot with her on week-ends or holidays I do not need to hire a studio teacher. Is that true? Also what other contracts do I need for her? A working permit? Anything else?

Shooting on regular non-school days should mean that you would not need a teacher, yes. Also even if you were to shoot during the school day, with the parents blessing and a properly approved dismissal from the school you would probably be alright too.

The main thing you'll probably have to worry about is hours and a kid friendly shooting environment. It would probably be a good idea to have the parent or guardian on set too.
Yup, in Cali, all production companies have to have a DLSE licensed CA Studio Teacher present on every production including weekends, holidays, school vacations, union & non-union, and uncompensated jobs, for all minors under age 16, including babies.

And yes, a work permit, and Coogan account if it's a pay job.