Cheap Airplane Set

Hey there! I'm currently 16 and I'm coming up to the end of school years. I have a long summer ahead, so me and my friends have decided that this summer we want to make a film that we want to look professional using all the film making knowledge we have.

For one of the scenes we want to be in a back of an older / war style airoplane so we can have a skydiving scene that we are planning to film on green screen. The only problem is, is that know where looks like the back of an airoplane. The only solution we have come to is that a back of a horse trailer looks the closest to what I think we will get to what we want it to look like.

If you look at this image you can see that it is the back of a horse truck, but if we set the camera right, and with a bit of editing I think it could pass as a back of an old airoplane. Does anyone have any other low budget solutions to how to set an airoplane set?
Is there a good aviation museum in your area? If you call it a student project and talk to the manager/curator about it they might let you climb in one and shoot.

There was a little local museum in my area with a B-17 and they let my Dad shoot some stuff And I took my 2nd grade class through it for a field trip. Doesn't hurt to ask!
If the plane does not neeed to be new, or clean... you could try a scrap yard. You might even find a fuselage without the wings, and have a beter acces to shoot.
If you can't, try to get a photo of the back of an hercules, with an open back. Roto the plane out, and animate some slight movment in AE. Superimpose this over a layer with a moving sky.
Shoot your actors on a trailer with open doors, using big fans to simulat wind, with greenscreens on the inside. Link movment to the one of the plane. Profit.