My name is Felix Gilfedder a freelance filmmaker and creative director of Popcorn Horror. http://www.popcornhorror.com
Popcorn Horror is a mobile phone application that offers user generated, bite sized, horror thrills including short horror films. We pay for short horror content 1-5 mins and try our best to promote our filmmakers. The app will launch Halloween this year.
My biggest problem is reaching out to the film community especially outside the UK. Does anyone have any thoughts or advice of how and where to promote this opportunity (websites, etc). I guess the question is in your area where is the go to place for filmmakers in terms of information and community?
Also, if you have your own short horror films please send them into, www.popcornhorror.com
My name is Felix Gilfedder a freelance filmmaker and creative director of Popcorn Horror. http://www.popcornhorror.com
Popcorn Horror is a mobile phone application that offers user generated, bite sized, horror thrills including short horror films. We pay for short horror content 1-5 mins and try our best to promote our filmmakers. The app will launch Halloween this year.
My biggest problem is reaching out to the film community especially outside the UK. Does anyone have any thoughts or advice of how and where to promote this opportunity (websites, etc). I guess the question is in your area where is the go to place for filmmakers in terms of information and community?
Also, if you have your own short horror films please send them into, www.popcornhorror.com