editing Can't adjust 'percent' option in FCP

I'm trying to increase the speed, for a fast motion effect, by going to Speed> Speed percent. However, I cannot edit the percent field?
the red line is what controls the sound...

so if its raised all the way up and its still not loud enough our going to have to edit the sound clip

use soundtrack pro (if you have final cut studio) or use audacity (free) to import the clip and simply add an amplify effect to adjust the audio level.
Still might re-record most of the sound though and add it in... I did some of the recording at the beach and the sound of the waves is very loud and interferes with the dialogue.
I re-recorded the few audio clips in my project. It sounds a lot better. There is a slight echo, however, not a big deal, but is there a way in post, using a filter, to remove the echo?
no. You can get rid of a few of the reflections by putting a high and low cut on the file to take out everything say above 3khz and below 200hz on the vocal track. To record with out the echoes (reflections of sound off of hard surfaces) Surround your talent with blankets hanging on stands. These will dampen the reflections and get a nice clean recording that you can then apply echo to as you need to blend it into the scene and make it feel correct for the environment.
