Cannot play movie files on Windows 7:

The files plays perfectly on my Mac. As soon as I try to play it on my new laptop pc with Windows 7 it does not play at all.

I tried Quictime, Div X Player, Windows Media Player..... same result. I did even try the VLC Mediaplayer.

The Vlc reported this error: "Vlc does not support the audio or video format "WMV3".......

According to file properties when hitting Command I on my Mac the files are: "Windows Media Video 9 Standard, 768QTKitMultiplicationSignWithSpaces432"..... ?

Anyway how might I be able to play the videos on my pc?

Here are some samples of similar video files (just 2 sec. clips):
I believe Windows Media is supposed to support that format. Is your system properly updated? If you don't solve the problem before then, I'll download the file to see if it runs on my computer with Windows 7.
I don't know anything about that particular codec pack, but I woud tread carefully. You're in dangerous territory with codec packs - some of them can be very harmful to your computer. I'm typing this from my phone, while waiting for a bus; I'll be home soon, and I'll test the file. I've never had to download any codecs for this computer.
Those are Quicktime files. Right out of the box, Windows won't play Quicktime, but I have Quicktime player. It still wouldn't play them. Told me I needed additional software. Were these files rendered yourself? Using what software? And how are you encoding them? I suspect that's where the issue is.
I have to say that if it isn't playing on the current VLC then it's probably either a corrupted file or a system error.

I've yet to meet a file that gets beat by the mighty VLC :D