Can i get some help finding the right format for my film project?

Alright so, Hi i'm Baby Filmmaker, i'm still in high school trying to get some practice with filming, I'm currently in year 12 (which is so hardcore), and i'm working on a video/film for my school called the '2009 End of Year School Video'.

the PROBLEM is that I don't know how to make it!!!!!

I volunteered to make this because i like making films, but i wasn't told of how to put it together, so i can make whatever i want, HOWEVER i'm not sure of what format would be right for students and teachers to watch it in.

Right now in my head i'm thinking that the first step is to decide on the theme of the video, and i think it's "THE Highlights of 2009."

How can i make a video about the school highlights of 2009?!

P.S: I already know how to use Adobe Premiere Pro CS3, and I have a Camcorder and Tripod ready. I've made previous short films BUT making a school CD is totally different for me, so i dont know what do to!
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Welcome to indietalk.

Alright so, Hi i'm Baby Filmmaker, i'm still in high school trying to get some practice with filming, I'm currently in year 12 (which is so hardcore),
Wait until you get into the real world of making a living.

I know, I know, that's not what you want to hear from
us old people. What do we know, right? I know when I
was in high school and was told that I ignored it.

I volunteered to make this because i like making films, but i wasn't told of how to put it together, so i can make whatever i want, HOWEVER i'm not sure of what format would be right for students and teachers to watch it in.

Right now in my head i'm thinking that the first step is to decide on the theme of the video, and i think it's "THE Highlights of 2009."

How can i make a video about the school highlights of 2009?!
Go to 40 to 50 different people in your school - even
people you don't usually hang with and don't leave out
the not so popular ones) - and 10 to 15 of the teachers,
and ask them for photos and video they have shot over
the school year. You want just random pictures and
video of the students and teachers being themselves. Get
as much as you can - the more you have the more
choices you have when editing. When you get pictures and
videos you should also ask what music people like. You
have your favs and so do others.

In the mean time, get out there with your camera right
away. You don't have much time. Do little interviews with
individuals and groups (again don't forget to talk to the
not so popular kids and get people from each "group") asking
them about the year, telling stories, just acting crazy.

Put all that video and photos onto your hard drive and start
editing. Lay down a song or two and cut to it - add the
interviews and stories. Start it with a message from the principal
(just 30 or so seconds) and end with the dorkiest, nerdiest,
least popular kids. Treat them with the respect that haven't
gotten all year.

As a filmmaker you can stand above all the social aspects of
high school and show the year from different points of view.

Make a few DVD's and show everyone!

You're in for a very difficult, very challenging project. It will
be a lot of fun and will really stretch you as a new filmmaker.
Welcome to indietalk.

Wait until you get into the real world of making a living.

I know, I know, that's not what you want to hear from
us old people. What do we know, right? I know when I
was in high school and was told that I ignored it.

What do you mean? You saying that in the future i'm going to experience something exciting or bad? Oh please it sound like something totally something i would hear about. I need to know all i can after all. :)

And thank you for helping m8, you saved me from alot of stress! :P