Can I get CS gas grenade props that omit harmless gas?

Do they have those for movie making to sell the illusion, that is affordable? It has to be safe for the actors to breath, as they will be coughing and trying to escape it. I looked it up, but so far I am not seeing many options online. Can I get them?
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It used to be you could order the real thing from but now it's some sort of cooking website.

They had police and military equipment, smoke grenades, etc.
They even had a supersonic nausea inducing device that is used to disperse crowds :lol:

I bought some cool stuff from there but not as much as I wish I had now that they're gone. Like the military grade putricant. Spill that somewhere and no one can enter the room for a very long time :lol:

they actually had a few things that I didn't dare order. Can't imagine you can order something like that and not end up on a watch list.
There are some sites you can order airsoft prop guns, that simulate gunshots and blowback, but for some reason these sites never thought that a filmmaker might want gas grenades for his/her story, as it may have a scenario where they would logically be used. I found some tutorials on how to make gas or smoke grenades out of redbull cans along with several other accessories, but I still cannot figure out how to get them to convincingly disperse a harmless gas.
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Okay thanks. However, those are smoke grenades and not gas grenades, and smoke looks different. It's much thicker, and meant to conceal, and the smoke appears to be fancier colors, which CS gas, is not, accept for the white smoke one. But audiences may be able to tell the difference as to what CS gas is suppose to like as oppose to very thick smoke, which would be harder to shoot in, since it conceals a lot more.
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It is in the edit.

Don't show the gas coming out of it and this problem goes away :)

Man with gasmask throws grenade in dooropening.
The others look focused at the door.
A hint of gas comes out of the dooropening.

(Or something like that :p )
Yeah that's what I thought. I actually wanted to show the gas disperse out of the grenade from the antagonist's point of view, but if there are no grenades out there, then that's cool. As long as the audience buys the editing since there are going to several shots, and I don't want them to spot that the gas is coming from a different direction in the room, within the action.

I'm actually surprised there doesn't seem to be any place to buy these props. You seem them all the time in movies. An episode of 24 even showed the gas come out, so I thought they would be available somewhere. But that's cool. Editing it is, if need be. Thanks. Are there any ideas on how to make the gas? I am thinking maybe dry ice, but make it look dirtier somehow.
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Okay thanks. However, those are smoke grenades and not gas grenades, and smoke looks different. It's much thicker, and meant to conceal, and the smoke appears to be fancier colors, which CS gas, is not, accept for the white smoke one. But audiences may be able to tell the difference as to what CS gas is suppose to like as oppose to very thick smoke, which would be harder to shoot in, since it conceals a lot more.

what is CS gas, do you have a video link of it in action?
what is CS gas, do you have a video link of it in action?

Military grade tear gas. It's what they use for gas mask training, at least in the corps, but I'd assume other branches as well. Doesn't cause any permanent damage, but it's not the most fun thing to suck down.. :D
The only suggestions I have are using paintball smoke grenades to get a smokey effect (Ventilate a room a bit to thin out the gas - I worked in a paintball center for 2 years, and the enola gaye ones are great) and with clever cutting and shot choices you could make it seem like it's coming from a TG grenade, or I know in places like maplins they have spray smoke, though I can't vouch for how good it is, though you may be able to put a pipe coming out of it s it would look as if it were dispensing from a dummy tear gas grenade.
Can I get CS gas grenade props that omit harmless gas?

I think you mean "Emit." You don't want to leave out the harmless gas, do you?


verb (used with object), emitted, emitting.

1. to send forth (liquid, light, heat, sound, particles, etc.); discharge.

2. to give forth or release (a sound):
He emitted one shrill cry and then was silent.

3. to utter or voice, as opinions.

4. to issue, as an order or a decree.

5. to issue formally for circulation, as paper money.


verb (used with object), omitted, omitting.

1. to leave out; fail to include or mention:
to omit a name from a list.

2. to forbear or fail to do, make, use, send, etc.:
to omit a greeting.