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Can I edit in After Effects?

According to some online info, yes I can, but I cannot figure out how to access any editing tools, or what panels I need to do this in, if any different ones. Basically I rotoscoped an actor out of a shot, and want to put her into another. I misjudged how many frames of her I need, before the next shot happens, so I need to cut her off before the next shot. Can I do that? Thanks.
According to some online info, yes I can, but I cannot figure out how to access any editing tools, or what panels I need to do this in, if any different ones. Basically I rotoscoped an actor out of a shot, and want to put her into another. I misjudged how many frames of her I need, before the next shot happens, so I need to cut her off before the next shot. Can I do that? Thanks.

After Effects is mostly for creating motion graphics and visual effects. To do what you are wanting to you'd be better off with something like Final Cut Pro X or Adobe Premiere. Hope this helps.
You can't split clips but you can perform some basic edits before they are brought into the timeline. Seriously though, your better off using Premiere or some other dedicated editing program.
After Effects is mostly for creating motion graphics and visual effects. To do what you are wanting to you'd be better off with something like Final Cut Pro X or Adobe Premiere. Hope this helps.

If I'm reading his question correctly this is not helping him: he has 1 layer which is too long.
Offcourse you can shorten a layer/clip in AE.

If you only read the title: I'd say: yes, you can edit in AE, but it will take you at least 5 times more time than Premiere or FCP. So, I don't recommend it.

You can't split clips but you can perform some basic edits before they are brought into the timeline. Seriously though, your better off using Premiere or some other dedicated editing program.

If you mean making a cut in a clip: that can be done:
CTRL+SHIFT+D makes a cut and moves the second half to a new layer.
There is no blade/razor-tool in AE, but this does the same.