Camera Questions:

Hi People! My name is Jamie and I've joined these boards to hopefully better my knowledge of shooting short films and discover the tools I will need to do this. Lately I've been looking at cameras and trying to decide what would be best for me but I've been having a tough time. I've been looking at the Canon GL2 which I've heard very highly of and found that I can get one used for relativity cheap, does anybody have any experience with this camera? What's a solid camera to start creating professional looking short films? (I'm trying to stay under $1300)

It's nice to meet you and any input is greatly appreciated! :)
Actually your camera lens is focusing on a ground glass screen that the 35mm image is projected onto.

I have a JAG35e and it works well for the things I do. If you were going to spend $4k on an adapter, you may need to rethink your camera instead.:P

And Gonzo is right, the Redrock is less money, and they make great stuff.