Camera Help

I am very new to film making. I have no experience and no education on the subject. I am doing most of the work on my own and don't really have anybody to ask advice from. Anyways, I want to shoot my new film in 8mm at maybe 16 fps. This is just what i know from what i researched. I figured i could lower the FPS on the camera, shoot in black in white on digital(so editing will be alot easier) then transfer the final product to 8mm film then back to digital to give it that effect. I was looking at different camera's and the ones i see reccomended the most are 1080i with 24 fps. Most of these cost 3 to 5 thousand dollars. And i'm not sure on how this works but it seems like its overkill for the look im going for. And its way out of my budget. But i also want to premiere the movie on a movie screen so i don't want the quality of camera to be so poor as to not allow me to do that or make an extremley blurry picture. Anyways any reccomendations for a video camera for this project thats under $2,000?
I'm not quite clear on the look you're going for. Could you expand on that?

Also, welcome to the forum!

I spent a month in Chula Vista. Often, I wish I was still there. Sweet place to live.
I am very new to film making. I have no experience and no education on the subject. I am doing most of the work on my own and don't really have anybody to ask advice from. Anyways, I want to shoot my new film in 8mm at maybe 16 fps. This is just what i know from what i researched. I figured i could lower the FPS on the camera, shoot in black in white on digital(so editing will be alot easier) then transfer the final product to 8mm film then back to digital to give it that effect. I was looking at different camera's and the ones i see reccomended the most are 1080i with 24 fps. Most of these cost 3 to 5 thousand dollars. And i'm not sure on how this works but it seems like its overkill for the look im going for. And its way out of my budget. But i also want to premiere the movie on a movie screen so i don't want the quality of camera to be so poor as to not allow me to do that or make an extremley blurry picture. Anyways any reccomendations for a video camera for this project thats under $2,000?


Like Cracker Funk, I'm not entirely sure what you're going for here. For a short project, I'd imagine it'd be much cheaper to shoot on 8mm and then transfer it to edit rather than spending several thousand dollars on a digital camera. Added to which, shooting digital to transfer to film won't give the picture the same characteristics as if you shot film straight off. In all honesty, I don't really think anything shot on 8mm is going to stand up on a cinema-sized screen, and finding a digital camera in your price range that will undercrank to 16fps is very unlikely. Based on what you've said so far, I'd go for shooting on film and then editing digitally, but if you tell us more about what you want to achieve I'm sure more people will be able to offer you advice.
I am very new to film making. I have no experience and no education on the subject. I am doing most of the work on my own and don't really have anybody to ask advice from.
You do have people to ask questions and advice from. We are right
Anyways, I want to shoot my new film in 8mm at maybe 16 fps. This is just what i know from what i researched. I figured i could lower the FPS on the camera, shoot in black in white on digital(so editing will be alot easier) then transfer the final product to 8mm film then back to digital to give it that effect.
If you shoot digital, transfer to film (very expensive) and back
to digital you will not get the look you want. If you want the
look of 8mm film shot at 16fps in black and white, shoot 8mm film
at 16fps using black and white film. Then transfer the film to