• If posting a video, please post HERE, unless it is a video as part of an advertisement and then post it in this section.
    • If replying to threads please remember this is the Promotion area and the person posting may not be open to feedback.

“…but George was a curious monkey.”—writing, when stories officially begin

“…but George was a curious monkey.”—writing, when stories officially begin

Read post: http://www.mattjanacone.blogspot.com/2014/10/but-george-was-curious-monkeywriting.html

I may be alone in this, but rather than starting a new thread for every blog post you have, why not just start a single thread for the blog and post links in there? IMO, it's quite close to spamming when the seven newest threads in the Screenwriting forum are all one person promoting the same blog.
I may be alone in this, but rather than starting a new thread for every blog post you have, why not just start a single thread for the blog and post links in there? IMO, it's quite close to spamming when the seven newest threads in the Screenwriting forum are all one person promoting the same blog.

You are not alone :)
You aren't alone.

Matt doesn't seem interested in a discussion or even joining this
community. Post after post promoting his blog. I second the suggestion
that all these promotional posts be placed in one thread.

What say you, Matt?