archived-videos "Broadband" (unofficial entry)

My movie still needs some more work done to it, but here it is as close as could be done by the deadline.

"Broadband" ("Save target as" will DL it faster)

I lose in many ways... I couldn't get it under 5 minutes, the roll of TP is inside a porta-potty (unseen) and it's over 25mb. (I squished it down to 30, but it sounds like crap)

I'm aware of many of the faults with it, but let it rip anyway.

(Oh, and yes there is a scene where the radio-dish vanishes but reappears in the next... I'll be keying that in this weekend)

It's going to be finished up and improved upon, with more FX, muzzle-flash, splats, and re-dubbed entirely... But enough of my excuses... go watch it, and enjoy it for what it is.

We had a great time making it. :cool:

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I like it!! The great writing and acting (and music, hehe) comes through even though there are some sound/editing/whatever problems. If you are unable to enter into this contest, Broadband is still a great movie under your belt! Good job!
Fun movie Zen. Both actors did a pretty good job. I liked the use of the line.

I never saw your reflection in the window of the car, maybe I wasn't looking hard enough.

Hey.. what is this about "Reflection in the car" :D (inside joke)

hey.. nice music Zen.. I was waiting for the "Orb" to pop out of the dish.

I thought it was cool. Max6 has issues.. do you want me to resolve them or is the purple pulse ok for you?
Thanks Florian! I see them both tomorrow, and I'll be sure to let them know. :cool:

I was unable to get a close enough "finished" edit to have it scored in time. The three different tunes used in it are courtesy of three boardmembers.

Peter John Ross (SonnyBoo)
Logan L Productions
Ed Marchetti

It was great to be able to nick the tunes they have made available to all.

My giant beer-belly can be seen plain as day on the original DV tape. I guess the compression blurred it out adequately for the QT version.

Very well done Steven! I wasn't sure you were gonna finish on time with all the problems, but now considering all that, damn, well done!

The porter-potty is clearly visible (3min-25sec). I'll have to take your word on the TP though...have been in many of those that lacked it!

I also saw your reflection in the car. Won't reveal where in the short that is :)

Be careful what websites you log onto! The freakin backbone's currupt!
Zen, Very good job with this short. The thing that stuck out at me the most was the good writing. ;) You got some skills there my friend. But like you said you couldn't get it done in under 5mins. :(
I could overlook everything else, because the story was really good. Your actors did a fine job as well.
You know all the flaws and I commend you for going back and fixing everything for another release of this. Can't wait! :D

Off to view the other entries
Zen.. nice work.. and you know.. I think that overexposed shot actually works to your advantage.. gives it a nice effect (a la 'Traffic')
I'm afraid I blew it, Mr CootDog.

Originally, I was going to do a cameo... popping my head out of the porta-potty with a roll of TP in hand, see Alan holding the gun to Dwayne's head... and duck back inside for safety.

That was the plan, anyway, 'til the original cameraman didn't show up and I had to work the camera myself. I panicked so much learning how to work the camera, that I skipped my scene. :(
Zensteve said:
I'm afraid I blew it, Mr CootDog.

Originally, I was going to do a cameo... popping my head out of the porta-potty with a roll of TP in hand, see Alan holding the gun to Dwayne's head... and duck back inside for safety.

That was the plan, anyway, 'til the original cameraman didn't show up and I had to work the camera myself. I panicked so much learning how to work the camera, that I skipped my scene. :(

I actually thought it was gonna be in the case... When he opened it and the dude said, "See anything familular in there" It would have been funny if he pulled out a roll of TP and said "Yea, what's this doing in there?"
That was cool Zensteve. Liked the shot of the car door opening with the sun reflecting all crazy, not sure if you meant to do that. And not to repeat what's already been said, but I thought the acting was good and the story got me interested really quick.

If you have not yet seen the film, please don't read below cuz I'm about to spoil the end. I think my favorite part was when he was shot at the end. Wasn't expecting that (even though he was dreaming about it at the beginning).

What software did you do the effects with?

Forgetting to film toilet paper is one thing, but forgetting to buy toilet paper when one runs out is probably worse, IMO.
I loved the story but I think it was too big for a short. I am left with all kind of yummy questions. Such as: Who was Allen really? Was he alien? Or was he human, but part of the conspiracy? If there is a human conspiracy? If so who is invovled? Aah... such yummy questions that bring back warm fuzzy feelings for the x-files (you know back before it got out of control)

I hope you do develope this story more.
Mikey: I probably did try to bite off more than I could chew, yes.

I was hoping to get that X-file (or Twlight Zone) thing going... I think I got there, but it's not really possible to pull off well without a lot more time for character and plot development.

Can't really say if there was an alien, or a human working with aliens, or just plain human conspiracy. In a lot of ways, it's actually irrelevant in the way it is presented now. There was a lot cut from from the final script, and there was a *lot* more cut from the first few writings. It would be fun to re-do it, in its entirety. I'd get to use my fog-machines. :cool:

Dudebro: The model was made in Max, but we had a few hiccups with getting the scenes rendered like so. Model was flattened out and masked out in After Effects.

The sun on the door was an accident the first time.


I certainly am glad that everyone seems to like the actors well enough. They were troopers the whole day.
Don't forget to submit to VegasIndiesTV....

Pass up an opportunity to have it shown on a real network TV station?! The monthly indie-showcase that puts short films out across the airwaves of Nevada? The one that all indie-filmmakers with a desire to get television exposure should be sending their films to?

I'll send a copy up, as soon as I get rid of the rough edges and sound, good sir! (Might be a few weeks, but it will be inbound)
There is a good possibility that the two fine actors in "Broadband" will be dropping by. :cool:

If anyone would care to critique the pair, it would be appreciated. They are looking to see what worked, what didn't, etc. After all, they can only get better from there.

I saw many comments above about how well they did... I'm digging for exactly why.

Ta. :)