British Horror?

And technically, no, but for all intents and purposes, yes, they are zombies. What a silly debate we are having. Wow, we are ubernerds! :lol:

Thematically, 28 Days Later is a zombie film, but technically there are no zombies in it - they are infected, rather than undead :D
To really push the debate further into minute details, the infected in 28 Days Later do not desire to consume human flesh, they are running on pure rage and want to destroy anything in their path, so biologically speaking they are not Zombies :P
"omg you compared hammer horror films to the saw films, omg."

Indeed, to even mention classic, important, timeless films that have legions of fans 40 years after they were made in the same sentence as that garbage is pretty bad.

You are allowed to not like 28 Days later. I thought Inception was the biggest pile of shit I have ever seen, and hate those son's of bitches for stealing 2 plus hours of my life I'll never get back. We all have our own personal taste. Most of us just don't agree with you on this one.