Hey everyone, my name is Jeff Finley. I am 22 years old and I have been making videos and films and stuff since about 2001 or so. This is my latest creation. It's a music video for Box O Mylk - "Amorous Thorns." Box O Mylk is actually my music. I make music on my computer and this is a video I did for it. It also features a CG breakdancing character that I modeled, animated, and composited in.
Title: Box O Mylk - Amorous Thorns
Genre: Music Video
Time: 5 min
Size: 15mb
Format: Quicktime
Synopsis: Shot in freezing cold weather. Combines lots of breakdancing and milk. A closet BOXOMYLK fan is pursued by crazy goons with Milk Jug Masks (mylkheads) with hopes of converting him into a mylkhead.
Here it is, hope you like it:
Comments, crits, and questions are always welcome! Enjoy!
Title: Box O Mylk - Amorous Thorns
Genre: Music Video
Time: 5 min
Size: 15mb
Format: Quicktime
Synopsis: Shot in freezing cold weather. Combines lots of breakdancing and milk. A closet BOXOMYLK fan is pursued by crazy goons with Milk Jug Masks (mylkheads) with hopes of converting him into a mylkhead.
Here it is, hope you like it:
Comments, crits, and questions are always welcome! Enjoy!

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