Break a Leg, Cracker Funk!

Good Luck on your feature shoot, CF!

We expect you to post dailys up here so the peanut gallery can kibbutz.


p.s., did you sign Jack Black for the part of Pork Rind, or did the deal fall through? He's getting a bit long in the tooth, you know.
Thanks, man!

Mr. Black did, in fact, decline. I think it might've had to do with the $1000 salary I'm paying my lead actor, for a month of full-time work. Which is, of course, considerably less than minimum wage.

I did, however, land Brodi Cannon, the megastar heart-throb who starred in "Lost in Time". He flew all the way in from Memphis to shoot "Lost in Time 2".

I think I might be a little too busy to be posting dailies. But once it's wrapped, I'll definitely throw some footage up. And I'm sure I'll still be hanging around the boards late-night.
You're gonna be pissed. I'm shooting with a Rode NTG-2 and a Zoom H4N. Those are quality products, for the money, but I don't think I'd call either of them professional quality. Also, I'm not a professional audio engieneer and I can't afford to hire one, so...

I'll do my best, though, promise!
Bah humbug. It's not the equipment it's how you use it.

I can use an H4N and a Rode and mix a platinum record.

If you need any help or the boom op gives you s*** let me know.
Bah humbug. It's not the equipment it's how you use it.

I can use an H4N and a Rode and mix a platinum record.

If you need any help or the boom op gives you s*** let me know.

Thanks! How about we start now? I'm going to have a REALLY long time in post. Even when I'm done with my rough cut, it's going to be a long time before my composers can do their job -- not because it'll take them so long, but because I'm completely emptying my measly bank account to pay my actors, and it's going to take me through the holiday season to save up the cash to pay the composers. The silver-lining is that I'll have plenty of time to play with my audio.

As far as the production is concerned, I've read some of the threads on boom-op advice, etc. Can you think of anything that hasn't been mentioned that I absolutely must know? If you had to somehow sum up boom-op into one golden-rule, what would you say?
Thanks! How about we start now? I'm going to have a REALLY long time in post. Even when I'm done with my rough cut, it's going to be a long time before my composers can do their job -- not because it'll take them so long, but because I'm completely emptying my measly bank account to pay my actors, and it's going to take me through the holiday season to save up the cash to pay the composers. The silver-lining is that I'll have plenty of time to play with my audio.

As far as the production is concerned, I've read some of the threads on boom-op advice, etc. Can you think of anything that hasn't been mentioned that I absolutely must know? If you had to somehow sum up boom-op into one golden-rule, what would you say?

I'd suggest trying to keep it from bobbing in and out at the top of the frame. Christ, that bugs me when I watch a movie.
Cracker's gone for a week?! Maybe that terrible Avatar thread can finally die!

Heh, hope the shoot goes smooth for ya! :)
This boom-operator is looking for new gig, pretty sure. You want his number?
I'd suggest trying to keep it from bobbing in and out at the top of the frame. Christ, that bugs me when I watch a movie.

Haha! You mean like this?

Please, do not judge my work by this video! It was obviously intentionally made to be shitty. We shot the entire six-page script in two hours, unrehearsed. Also, that's with my old camera, no lighting, and a $15 mic. It was my roommates final project for his forensics class, in which he had to make a video demonstrating knowledge of some of the stuff he'd learned over the semester.
Haha! You mean like this?

Please, do not judge my work by this video! It was obviously intentionally made to be shitty. We shot the entire six-page script in two hours, unrehearsed. Also, that's with my old camera, no lighting, and a $15 mic. It was my roommates final project for his forensics class, in which he had to make a video demonstrating knowledge of some of the stuff he'd learned over the semester.

Yeah. Threads are getting worse these days. They forced me to put a pic of myself in another one against my will.