Books For Action Movies.

Hey guys,
The few of you who have read either my introduction, or my thread asking about mics, you might have remembered that I want to shoot action movies.( well I've shot one,without script, coverage, or any knowledge what so ever). Anyways for christmas I decided that instead of trying to get some cheap gear, I'd rather get some books, which will help me in my way to greatness *cough*.
But obviously there has been previous threads about books in relation with filmmaking, but I want ones with a more or less link to action movies...since that's what I wanna do.

Now I've put my hands on a pdf version of The DV rebel Guide today, and it seems pretty damn awesome so I'll be askingg a copy of that to have access to the dvd that comes with it.

what other books out there are there?
There are so many books about filmmaking(which is a good thing better too many than not enough) that I'm sort of confused and not sure where to start.

So if you guys could be as nice as you always are, and propose a few books for my christmas list it'd be highly appreciated

Yeah, that's a pretty good one!

I haven't actually read these, but they look like they would help you:

