Blemishes and After Effects

If someone has a blemish in a shot that's covered with makeup but still noticeable, can it be removed in after effects? If so, is it extremely hard?
It can be done, but how hard it is depends on how much movement is in the shot.

If the actor is relatively still, you can use Photoshop to remove the blemish in a single frame, then import that frame into After Effects, and track just the section you touched up to your actor's movements. But you'll have to do this with each different angle...

If the actor is moving alot, it will be tougher to do it and make it look good. But then, if your actor is moving a lot, you probably won't see the blemsih that well anyway...
hm... well, just from the top of my head you will have to motion track the blemish first, create a null object, aaply trackinf data to it. then duplicate the footage, and add a mask with the clear area right next to the blemish, so you lighting matches as the person moves.. then parent the masked footage to the null object..

not sure it it will work, but that would be my guess.
Yes that can be done, mebbe provide some screenshots, how many seconds / minutes is the blemish showing ?. Masking and color correction might be the fix or even putting an overlay and having it track over the area.. It depends
I've done it. Lot's of roto and hand tracking, but it worked!

If you're considering casting someone for a main role in feature with a blemish you can't live with, I'd advise against it.
yeah, its a simple concept..

Create a copy of the footage where you push all the flesh tones to one color. Using various filters etc. Add some blur to that, and use it as a Luma Matte for an adjustment layer over the footage to be fixed. The adjustment layer does denoise ..

you can get the gists from this video, near the end I show the two key screen in AE.. pause the video to check em out..
Thanks everyone.

Paul: It's a pimple that's a few inches from a birthmark, and it's a little distracting. She's standing still and it's in a few med/CUs. It's not terrible. But, since it's not awfully hard to fix, after I'm done shooting, it'll be on my list of things to do. She's a beautiful young lady.
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that was the exact problem I had. Somehow the lighting made the texture of the less than perfect skit really stand out and it was distracting.. so yeah, its solvable, it might look strange though..
Since she has an old fashioned look about her. If I just start in the CUs with a slight Soft Focus from FCP, it hides it a little. So, with after effects and the soft focus, it should do the trick fairly well.

I sent a photo (much more noticeable) to a few friends and none pointed it out. So, it might just be me.