Best Way to Post Work Online?

I am in production of a comedy/short and will want to create a website of some sort in order to post it and other work that I have done. On the website I would want to post or at least link some of my films, music videos, etc. that I have directed.

I may also want to create a section that talks about some of my cast members.

I'm pretty sure I could create a pretty cool site on my own and hotlink everything, however, I have no clue about how to get it up and running on the web.

What is the best route to take in doing this? Should I post everything to YouTube or some other video sharing site and embed the player on my site, or is there a way to create a website in which everything plays straight from it without going to some other site? And if so, how much will this cost me per month?

I don't know a lot about what my options are or what are even my best options.

Any advice or help would be greatly appreciated.
You need to get hosting and have a website made. You can embed your video files with windows and quicktime players.
And yes, you could embed your YouTube player, that would help your plays on YouTube.