Best Studios

I'm looking for a list of independent film studios, and contact information if possible. They can be anyone, from your own studio to your favourite.

Didn't mean to sound picky. "Independent" literally means independent of a studio.

As far as independent production companies, there are hundreds of them, so it would be difficult to choose a favorite. The Weinstein Company - formerly Miramax - usually produces intelligent stuff. Mike Zoss Productions - the Coen Brothers' company - is another fave.

But you asked for a list -- did you Google search? As I say, there are hundreds.
Thanks, I'll check those out. I did look but I used studios so that might be why nothing came up.

I typed in the exact words you used; "list of independent film studios" and
Google listed over 11,000,000 hits. The 10 links on the first page are all
lists of independent studios, companies and films. Researching the list of
films only and you will find the companies. Even though I use the exact
words you did the first link is "List of film production companies" and that
link lists a LOT of independent film companies.

Would you like me to send you that link?

Now "best" is an issue. What do you mean by "best"?