Best Small Film

We've talked about our favorite films, the worst films we ever saw, the most disturbing film we ever saw.

How about the best little gem of a film we ever saw. Something small that you saw, loved and wanted more people to see, but it never got the attention it deserved. Let's give two so maybe people can go pick it up and see it.

Here are my 2:

1. The Red Violin
Samuel L. Jackson is in this one, but the film isn't about him, its about the history of a red violin with a dubious past, that would show up every so often throughout the years. Its not a documentary, its a narrative and its not boring at all. The story is about the different owners of the violin. Really good movie, one of my favorites

2. Big Night
Anyone see this besides me? :D The film stars Stanley Tucci - a most underrated actor; and Tony Shaloub (Monk). The movie is about 2 Italian brothers who's restaurant is about to go under when a friend of theirs promises to get Louis Prima (jazz singer) to come to the restaurant for publicity. Excellent film, another favorite.

Anyone else have a tiny little film we all should make it a point to see? Not including our own films of course :D

-- spinner :cool:
1) Allegro non Troppo - essentially an Italian version of Fantasia, but with slapstick live-action breaks between animated segments. If you're into psychedelia, this film is awesome.

2) The Saddest Music in the World - A jilted (and legless) beer-baroness holds a music showdown, with contestants from all over the world competing to play the saddest song ever.

It's easily in my top-5 movies, but noone seems to have seen it but me. Shot mainly in Super-8, as well. :cool:

Some of the same people involved as Red Violin, btw.

Trailer: Linkage
El mariachi. Read Robert Rodriguezs' book Rebel without a Crew: Or How a 23-Year-Old Filmmaker With $7,000 Became a Hollywood Player and you will understand why.
Dingo by Rolf de Heer, starring Miles Davis
Killer of Sheep by Charles Burnett
Room by Kyle Henry
Cavite by Ian Gamazon and Neill Dela Llana