Best Movie Car?

I believe that although a beauitiful woman sitting next to you in a hot car may make your confidence rise temporarily, the long term effects of the whining, screaming and wallet-draining vampirism they express is not beneficial to your long term survival.

Wow, that was one sentence.
Beautiful women do make a car look better and my girlfriend complains about nothing. Not even me!

However buying an Audi TT is not a cheap item and i would never buy from a dealer because your obviously paying their profits. Try local motor auctions or ebay.

Or (if you know your way around an engine) maybe try (salvage sales)

This where i bought my Audi TT for £4700 (4 years old, 22,478 miles) and all it needed was a new tailgate.
The dealership price for this vechicle would be around £14,000.
So its a huge saving for myself and a massive profit when i sell it!
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Eddie.. you didn't have your girlfriend in for that controversal surgery they do on some dogs did you... the de-barking surgery.. ;)

I thought ALL women complained.. man I must need to keep looking I guess.

Wow. I agree with Phil! ;)

I also carry a fondness for the Lotus Esprit from "The Spy Who Loved Me" and Mel's Ford interceptor in "Road Warrior"

Ha! Had to happen at somepoint!!! Watched the film again teh other day. That cahse is still better than anything Hollywood has done since.
Will, she may complain if something happened like being late for her manicure appointment, but thats no fault of mine. Shes a good girl with no any surgery needed!