Best micro indies of the last 5 years

I'm writing an article and trying to put together a list of good, digital micro budget independent films under half a mil made in the past 5 years.

I've got some of the usual suspects and I'd appreciate hearing films you guys think deserve a nod:

"Another Earth"
"Like Crazy"
“Paranormal Activity”
Depends on what you classify as 'micro budget'.

Like Crazy was made for ~$250,000; a lot more than say Paranormal Activity's ~$15,000.

And then you've got the argument of initial budget vs. money poured in by the distributor to actually get it theatre-distributable (Monsters for example is suggested to have had an ~$800,000 budget, despite the filmmaker's claim that he made it for ~$15,000).
Fwiw, Paranormal Activity was released in 2007 - it's no longer in your five year bracket.

I'm going to have to look up some lo-budget examples. Must be some I've seen.

Edit: Hmm, IMDB's listing two dates for it, 2007 & 2009. I dunno. :lol:
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I believe Paranormal Activity premiered at Screamfest in '07, but was released into theatres in '09.

Are you looking for films that were widely released into theatres?