sound-gear Best budget mic for recording actors in the open?

So, after a fair bit of research, I've just ordered a Comica VM30 (wireless Mic), and was wondering if anyone here had any actual experience of using these in a film setting? Specifically, for scenes involving 2 or 3 actors talking between them, whilst walking along a long gravelled driveway or path, with the mic mounted on a pole. Obiously the scene needs to clearly capture the dialogue rather than the crunching of feet on the gravel.
I nearly opted for the Rhode Go II mics, but that would have pushed the budget beyond £300 / $325. Whereas the VM30 comes in at about half that.
This guy seemes to like the VM30: VM30 review

Maybe you have other options or can offer alternatives?

Thanks in advance,
I don't have any experience with that mic so I can't offer much. You've
done your research - that video would sell me if I were in the market.

Seems late to offer other options as you just ordered it.
So, after a fair bit of research, I've just ordered a Comica VM30 (wireless Mic), and was wondering if anyone here had any actual experience of using these in a film setting? Specifically, for scenes involving 2 or 3 actors talking between them, whilst walking along a long gravelled driveway or path, with the mic mounted on a pole. Obiously the scene needs to clearly capture the dialogue rather than the crunching of feet on the gravel.
I nearly opted for the Rhode Go II mics, but that would have pushed the budget beyond £300 / $325. Whereas the VM30 comes in at about half that.
This guy seemes to like the VM30: VM30 review

Maybe you have other options or can offer alternatives?

Thanks in advance,
Leaving a comment with the hope it helps future efforts...

A shotgun mic is a good tool in the right situation but not every situation. Would you use a screwdriver to hammer a nail? In this case, the scene would be made more difficult, if not impossible, to capture with a single shotgun. That type of mic ONLY works while positioned directly over-head and within 20" of the talent's mouth. The boom pole operator has to walk, carry the bag, aim the pole, and swing it between actors.... all without getting into the camera frame. It's simply not possible to do well.

We often only have one chance to film a scene, and ADR is more expensive than good location sound. The scene would require 3x wireless lav mics. For $325 you could have (maybe) hired a local sound mixer to assist for an hour or two, and captured it with a professional quality. You also could have rented what was needed. Instead, the microphone purchased is of exceptionally poor quality. I would try a different approach in the future. Buying cheap gear and DIY is rarely the way great film/video is made.
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To answer the OP title question... "Best budget mic for recording actors in the open"

Definitely a shotgun for outdoor. A hyper or super cardioid for indoor. Rode NTG series are hard to beat for the price. A used older Sennheiser MKH series would be a nice step up. Newer MKH series, Sanken, DPA, and Schoeps are the best options for professional quality sound workers.
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I used a Comica BoomX-U U2 on our last film. This model of Comica includes lav mics rather than a shotgun. The one advantage of using lav mics is that you do not need a second audio person with a fishpole, and you can shoot the actors in distant wide shots without having a mic in the shot. The disadvantage is that you have to be extremely careful where you place the mic to avoid "clothing rustle". I'm usually a "one man band", so working with lavs is good for that.
So, after a fair bit of research, I've just ordered a Comica VM30 (wireless Mic), and was wondering if anyone here had any actual experience of using these in a film setting? Specifically, for scenes involving 2 or 3 actors talking between them, whilst walking along a long gravelled driveway or path, with the mic mounted on a pole. Obiously the scene needs to clearly capture the dialogue rather than the crunching of feet on the gravel.
I nearly opted for the Rhode Go II mics, but that would have pushed the budget beyond £300 / $325. Whereas the VM30 comes in at about half that.
This guy seemes to like the VM30: VM30 review

Maybe you have other options or can offer alternatives?

Thanks in advance,
UPDATE: We now have two of these (Comica VM30 wireless mics) and cannot recommend them enough!!
I've used one in a seminar Q&A (large room with 60+ people seated), and it picks up sound from the back of the room as if it was just a metre away, when pointed in the right direction. The battery lasts for a good 10+ hours in constant use on both Mic and Receiver.
Outside on a gravel drive with actors walking around, it only picks up the gravel when pointed towards the gravel and easily operates up to around 40 to 50 metres from the receiver.

What can I say. Amazing!!
Would love to hear a sample. Physics are involved in how microphones work, and the physics of sound and the way shotguns mics are made (interference tube) make your statement about how great it sounds unbelievable. Future film makers will visit this site and hope you are correct. Please provide them with evidence of how well the mic performs at that distance.

Any shotgun mic located in the back of a room will not sound great, or similar to close mic placement.