Belated Hello!

Hello indietalk. I think this is well overdue as I've never formally introduced myself. My name is Edward Curran III. I'm an actor/director/cinematographer/vfx editor in the northern Midwest trying to find myself in the film world.

Film has really guided me my entire life and I'm glad it's become the main focus of what I'm doing as a human being. I used to write a lot and found my passion through books, actually. I've been making short films for about ten years now. For most of that period of time, I focused on perfecting my vfx, but have recently in these past three years developed my cinematography and began to find my film niche.

I've been here for awhile now and I've gotten acquainted with a few of you and you all make this place feel like home. Very friendly forum and very helpful for constructive criticism, promotion, and awesome discussion. This is a great place to be and is guiding me more than I ever thought it could.

Thanks to everyone, and hello!
Hello indietalk. I think this is well overdue as I've never formally introduced myself. My name is Edward Curran III. I'm an actor/director/cinematographer/vfx editor in the northern Midwest trying to find myself in the film world.

Film has really guided me my entire life and I'm glad it's become the main focus of what I'm doing as a human being. I used to write a lot and found my passion through books, actually. I've been making short films for about ten years now. For most of that period of time, I focused on perfecting my vfx, but have recently in these past three years developed my cinematography and began to find my film niche.

I've been here for awhile now and I've gotten acquainted with a few of you and you all make this place feel like home. Very friendly forum and very helpful for constructive criticism, promotion, and awesome discussion. This is a great place to be and is guiding me more than I ever thought it could.

Thanks to everyone, and hello!

Woah back up the name wagon a second...Edward Curran the third...thats a catchy as all hell name. Sounds like its out of a film already. nice one...ok onward...
Well hello there! :cool:

I've seen you about the forums. Posted any of your work, yet? :)


Indeed I have, Steve! A whole ton of it. It's kind of interesting to see how much I've progressed since I first joined, actually!

and FantasyFilmProductions, thanks a lot. Hahaha! :)