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Be Aware!!

The WL screenplay agency is a hoax. I made a fake name and fake email and pitched a completely riduculous stupid idea and i get three identical letters about how i was a talented writer and they would like to have me as a client and with their agency COPYRIGHT IS NOT NECESSARY
....the "WL Screenplay Agency"? Who are they? Did they have a contest or something :huh:

And I agree, not wanting to see copywritten material does sound...fishy....

-- spinner :cool:
They are an "agency" that offers to represent writers
for a fee and for persuading writers to buy paid critique
services and editing services from a service that's
described as a "sister" company but in fact is under
common ownership with the agency. It is one of several
new agencies under the umbrella of The Literary Agency
Group Inc. which is a spinoff of the infamous Stylus
Literary Agency (until recently known as the ST Literary
Agency), owned and operated by Robert Fletcher.

The advertise all over the internet, trolling writers groups
and then sending out email to writers saying everything
a new writer wants to hear. Essentially that their script
is very marketable, that they can make a big studio sale,
but that it needs a little work and they have the right
people who will advice and help and keep the integrity
of the original work. for a fee, of course.

And as deadrockstar mentioned, it doesn't matter what
the script is, every writer gets the same, encouraging
That sounds like it's got dodgy written all over it.
I'd be reluctant to give up ideas to anybody I didn't know much about. Either they want your money or they're looking to steal some scripts.
they said they preferred not to take copyrighted work cause its more of a hassle

That's awesome!

Nice history writeup, Dirtectorik.
Well, good to know then. It's unfortunate that writers have to be so cautious, but at least you get to learn from your mistakes. I'm just glad I heard about them here. I wouldn't put it past myself to fall for something like this, at least, in the initial stages. I'd like to think I would smarten up before any damage was done to my work.

In the words of Lewis Black, I say we get in some cars and go kick ass.

Who's with me?!
