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BATTLE: New indie feature film

There's some beautiful shots in there. Very moody cinematography, I like it. Congrats on the pending release!
Been awhile since I've posted here but since then Battle was picked up by Lion's Gate for distribution.

The title was recently changed by the distributor to STEP OFF.

However, there is a new trailer and an Official Release Date of MARCH 15th!

Here is the new trailer from Lion's Gate:

Hope to give more updates and become a regular poster again.


Martin Kelley
WOW! Huge production value in that trailer. I be studying that for weeks to come.

Congrats on the deal. You deserve it.
I agree. What did you shoot this on?


We shot on a Sony EX1 and just pushed it for all we could.

Kely McClung (on this board of Blood Ties fame) shot his film Kerberos on the same camera and has fantastic shots and production value as well.

congratz! :)

is the movie going to be shown in theartres?

... how did you get Lion's Gate to distribute your movie?

STEP OFF is not going to theaters.

Battle (the film's title prior to it being acquired) was to go to theaters in a limited theatrical release (that was being planned) by us as a back-up if we weren't able to secure a distribution deal. However, Lion's Gate made a deal and nixed theatrical window for the U.S.

How? Sounds simple enough, we queried tons of distributors while our trailer was released and we were in post-Production...created awareness everywhere we could and many distributors were asking to see it. We sent a rough cut to a select few of our best case scenarios (less than 6) and got some serious interest. Lion's Gate was the most serious and we made a deal.

Obviously there's a lot of work getting from point A to point B but that's the basic path.

Thanks for checking it out,

Okay, here's a truly frightening prospect...Rotten Tomatoes!!!

Does anyone know any reviewers that like Hip-Hop movies?

I sense a lot of resistence on most blogs and boards etc. who won't even mention the movie might be related to an attitude negative to its Hip-Hop content. So hope to find some reviewers who would enjoy a good Hip-Hop film.

So help me find some...I know dvxusers know some Rotten Tomato reviewers. So post me the names and urls...

