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watch Banned Portal Commercial

Interesting. That kind of thing usually does get banned.
It was a bit weird. I'm not sure what you were trying say with it.
Thanks for the feedback.

Interesting question and I think the commercial made it point if it raises questions.
The main idea was that most people when they think of games they think: killing & sex.
And so we combined these two, added a stereotypical game girl (minus huuuge boobs) that gets off by watching blood and violence. So basically we laugh at all the "games are evil" stuff".


I'm not quite sure I get your point :)?
Sorry but after what you said to Contevil I have to say that was a poorly interpolated vid. I for one do not think of killing and sex when I think video games. I think puzzles and and escapsim. I think most people do think of killing but not of sex. If they do then those are the poorly informed ones who just listen to such hard hitting news outlets like "FOX NEWS NETOWORK." How is that chick a stereotypical gamer girl? Since when is the stereotype that of someone who should be doing an bondage film? I really feel more research should have been done on what people think of when they hear the term Video Game.

As for your comment to me. I was saying it looked like something that would have been done by the band Tool or by someone who draws inspiration from them,
I don't really agree with the Booth Girl culture that goes with games at the big events. I think it's really pathetic that nerdy guys go up to these things just to stare at the chest of a girl dressed as Lara Croft. But more so it's strange that the girls actually want to do it.
But I surpose it goes on in other industries such as motoring.

I think sex and violence is perfectly acceptable in games. Most my games do involve graphic violence. But it's a bit wrong to suggest that violence is sexually exciting.

I'd agree with TheBuck that this portrays girl gamers very wrongly.
@ TheBuck
I suppose I didn't make myself clear enough but one of your sentences is :)
"if they do then those are the poorly informed ones who just listen to such hard hitting news outlets like "FOX NEWS NETOWORK."
Presto. And indeed if someone has at least a bit of knowledge about computer games he won't think about computer games as such. And more or less that's the point of the vid.
The poorly informed ones portray gaming as something as evil as shown in the vid which obviously is not true but it's fun to show as if it is and just push it to the limit.

Damn, my english is not as good as it used to be :).
The problem as I see it isn’t your english - it’s your video. It
doesn’t do what you want it to do. It doesn’t raise questions -
it just isn’t clear. There is no way to know what YOU want it to
mean without reading your explanation of it.

And even with your explanation it remains unclear. I watched it
before you explained it and then after your explanations. I just
don’t see what you see.

That might be my fault - but it also might be yours. Maybe you
didn’t make the point you thought you made.
So you say this is an anti-stereotype message for video games? That only comes across in your words, not your video. The message is not clear, even in an abstract way. Maybe you can do a longer version and get the message across. Good luck.
Thanks for the feedback even thou I may not be very happy coz of it ;).
Anyways I see your point & I do agree it just may happen to be to abstract for some of the viewers.
And indeed it's not the point I intended to make.
Nevertheless it raised at few discussions, and some people got the point some did not but hey, we all think different ways :).
The one thing I can be happy about that as I said it raised those discussions and in this way as a commercial it reached it goal since it became popular.
But I appreciate your comments on the lack of clear message and that certainly will help in the future vids.
Thanks guys :).