archived-videos "Bad Cat" now available

Loud Orange Cat

Pro Member

The first chapter in the Loud Orange Cat "Cat vs Fat" trilogy is now available!

Title: "Bad Cat" 2 minutes, 03 seconds.

Description: This is the story about a house cat who is tired of being neglected. His owner keeps ignoring his requests for food for days at a time. In an attempt to teach his owner a lesson by booby-trapping a soda, our feline finds that he didn't plan things out well enough and the whole plan backfires on him, leaving him stranded.

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I recognised the soundtrack right off the bat... I used that a few films back, too.

Maybe fiddle with some audio filters you may have, to reduce the hiss? It stands out a lot when the audio is ratcheted up, then cut. Maybe adding just some ambient background noise could help as well.

Take a look at some of the free explosion stock footage at Detonation Films. If you can find something appropriate, you may be able to give the end a bit of a visual punch, on top.

Overall, very funny. Cats are devious to the bitter end. :)
Loud Cats!

mrde50 said:

The first chapter in the Loud Orange Cat "Cat vs Fat" trilogy is now available!


That was hysterical!
I have just one question... How did you sneak a camera into my house to film that! :lol:

Ok, I'm kidding... But I do want to say that you have perfectly and eloquently depicted my daily experience with my cat "Pookie". Though generally he doesn't use explosives, it's usually a very strategically placed puddle of barf in a dark corner of the hallway he KNOWS I will step in with my bare foot! :yes:

Oh! Of course he will deny it!

Hey! Thanks for the great laugh you gave my wife and me with this short film!
We really enjoyed it and we're looking forward to your future installments!

Keep Up The Great Work!

Just a suggestion...

If you plan on having your cat be the scheming (yet ultimately failing) nemesis, take some time to get some closeup footage of the cat's face.

Two shots.

One is happy, smiling. The other is Homer Simpson-esque "Doh!"

That would have made this perfect... a grinning/victorious kitty following the explosion, then a glance at the foodbowl followed by Doh!

If the cat won't cooperate for lengthy expressions, slo-mo any meager clips you may manage to get. Worst comes to worst and all you have is a still-shot, you can still make that lively through scaling over time.

I think that having some anthropomorphic expressions from the cat would really help add to its character, and would definitely add more to a sense of it interacting with you. (Or plotting against you, as the case may be)
I think he is doing just fine.
The editing is great and the conveyence of the story is perfect.

And the cat is doing just fine! LOL!
Just watch how many times he hit is mark perfectly!
Dialogue from a cat is impossible and this guy got it!

I say, just let him keep going the way he is going, so we can all sit back and enjoy these films. I know I am! When something works, don't mess with it!

BTW... The titling is great! (Very Kubrickian!)

LOGAN L Productions said:
I don't get it. The can exploded? Whaaat? Is that right?

Why does everyone else love this? I think it makes no sense. Sorry.

Your a dog person aren't you? Dogs have unwavering loyalty, whilst a cat.... well their loyalty lasts only as long as the food bowl is full, the litter box is clean, and there is plenty cat nip to be had.

Sometimes, when my cat looks at me, I swear he is thinking "If I were only just a little bigger, I would eat you."

Excellent short. Just goes to show that there is no reason not to make a short. Don't have a cast, use your pets. I love it. :lol:
Thanks for the kudos, Bad Cat 2 should be done by this weekend (crossing fingers, hoping weather holds up).

I love creating this kind of short for one reason: It shows off what you can do with a $0 budget and an imagination that runs wild. Bad Cat 2 will be much more complex.
mrde50 said:
I love creating this kind of short for one reason: It shows off what you can do with a $0 budget and an imagination that runs wild.

That sums it up nicely. I really enjoyed this! Great work! A simple idea, but it works. I'm definitely looking forward to future installments.

One drawback was hiss/noise over the dialogue (which was already discussed, and it sounds like you may have already found ways to correct it in your that one should no longer be an issue.) As a suggestion, if you are not already using an external mic to record the dialogue, I would recommend it. Mics built into the camera tend to pic up a lot of machinery noise from the running camera itself. You can make your noise reuduction task easier if your source is cleaner to begin with. And by the way...your cat-neglecting character should change his shirt once in a while :D . A whole week in the same clothes--whew! Of course, after the can incident, he has more important things to worry about!

Thanks for sharing your movie!
John@Bophe said:
One drawback was hiss/noise over the dialogue...your cat-neglecting character should change his shirt once in a while :D .

Hiss: Yes, I forgot to add a filter to remove the hiss, I have fixed the problem and will upload the fixed version soon.

Changing of the Shirt: Hell no, I planned it that way. :D Just think how many times the underwear gets changed... :evil:
John@Bophe said:
Congrats, Rob!!! What are you doing to promote it?
Not a darn thing. I don't think it's the type of video that needs a lot of promotion. It's just a scriptless taste of my work.

My time is occupied with five short scripts, one epic 300 page script and the storyboarding of it. With one short starting within three weeks, I've kind of left Bad Cat in the dust, although I still get email from all over the world saying "I love it", "Thanks for making me laugh", "j00 fuXin roo1" and my favorite "Please make more!"

After killing myself off in episode 4, I honestly doubt they'll be another... Unless it's a Kung-Fu/David Carradine-styled parody where the cat "walks the earth", although I don't think the cat will let me shave his head. It's too bad too, I always wanted to do a Bad Cat episode in either a road-runner/coyote or Benny Hill motif. :lol: