archived-videos Bad Cat 3

Loud Orange Cat

Pro Member
The much anticipated final chapter in the "Bad Cat" series is now available for download at :pop:

"The meow stops here." :clap:

4 minutes, 13 seconds.

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Well... I didn't care for this one so much. :(

It contains a lot of recapping from parts 1 & 2 (both of which were very good, I might add), leaving very little room for new hijincks.

The shots alternating between friend & cat (closer & closer) was pretty good, and effectively communicated what was about to take place. Your friend seems pretty nice, too, btw.

Overall it just feels a bit empty, though. make up for it with a part IV :lol:
Well, the idea for BC3 was not a non-stop action flick, it was the predetermined end of the line for this series. I wanted to answer all questions in the previous features like the "back porch" story line and the never-changing shirt.

Ending it with the exposure of the cat's ultimate power of suggestion was a hint that there might be more (especially with him trying some sort of mind trick on the viewer in the last scene, ala 'Outer Limits'), but I thought it best to end it right there.

It's time for me to move on to other projects I've created in the last few months. Now, when I pull out my PD170, my cat runs away expecting the worst. :D

I'm happy you all enjoyed the series as much as I've had creating it.
Watched all three parts back-to-back. It was good. Really enjoyed it. I kept wondering what horrible thing you would do to the cat next. (Oh yeah... and what the cat might do to you.)

The recapping didn't bother me much just because it was quick and well edited. If you had lingered on it any longer though it would have been too much. Nice job!
The zooming made me laugh out loud for several minutes. The audio and acting was a little off- it seemed really rehearsed. Also, the angles when you guys are at the table don't seem right.. maybe they're not cinematic enough... try playing with perspective and over-the-shoulder dialogue next project.

Overall, I think the series caps off quite nicely.. any chance of getting them all together as one movie?
I have to echo Zen here. The first two films were funny. This one really had no punch to it. Plus if you're gonna use the Feline Mind trick, at least use the paw waving as a sight gag. That would have made me laugh.

I think you just hit the jackpot there Mr.Defifty.
I'd love to see a fake trailer, or short film where a man and cat duke it out. Put some 'splosions in there and I'm SOLD. My signiture genre is action/comedy, and that sounds right up that alley with a high concept thriller element. Have the cat murder his family, come for him in the night, and begin an epic battle that rages through the living room, over the sofa (where you should throw a couch at him) and into the kitchen... where the cat gets out his butcher knife...

Oh man- you could do anything with that concept and it would be an absolute riot!
Please, PLEASE, I beg of you, make this magic!

-Denis Steven Emmerson Logan-
nothing but big-budget Hollywood action?

I don't think you need to go overboard, though that could be fun to see too.

There's a lot of comedy options to play with, in the master/pet relationship, from subtle to absurd.

Looking forward to seeing a part IV of the... err... Trilogy.

Zensteve said:
Looking forward to seeing a part IV of the... err... Trilogy.
Originally, I meant to end it at three, but if there's interest, I don't see a reason not to add one more. Maybe a "Bad Cat Three and a Half" There's definately enough footage for a good ten minute blooper reel (I'll save that for DVD).

Hey, maybe we'll find out if the cat really is Tyler Durden after all. :D j/k!
Sorry but you need to take a film course in editing, mixing and camera.I don't want to sound mean I realy don't.I work in the Movie Industry here in L.A. and I know that was just for fun.But it was prety bad man.The entrance and exit of the visitor had bad lighting the sound mix was very bad as was the music ,camera angels were boring and what was up with the shacky shots of the sky and the the trees. Its good that you finish a short but please go to Movies and learn and make better polish shorts. I know you can.Thanks
paul curley said:
But it was prety bad man.
It's about time someone pointed out that my young, undisciplined abilities suck. I'm no Kurosawa, I don't work in Hollywood, nor am I a professional filmmaker by any means, but I'm still learning! Sometimes to move forward, I have to take a step or two back. Knowing where I bungle up teaches me to be a better filmmaker. THANK YOU for your honesty.

This series has always reminded me of the old Spy vs. Spy comics (which I loved as a kid). I will agree with Zen that this final episode lacked the "payoff" that the other two delivered. You made reference (in this short) that you were planning an ultimate revenge, but we never got to find out what it was. What made these episodes so much (for me anyway) was not the action but the craftiness. You asked for feedback on an all-out action segment to be the end-all for the series. I think an action piece would be a lot of fun, but it should hold true to the original sentiment of the series by really working the 'creative' ways in which the two of you attack each other. An exercise in creative brain power against the cat would be awesome.

I DO think the zoom in on the cat (and then the friend) was fantastic.

I can understand if you are ready to move on to other projects. If you do have the motivation for one more, I'll be sure to check it out!
John@Bophe said:
I can understand if you are ready to move on to other projects. If you do have the motivation for one more, I'll be sure to check it out!

My friends have been begging for one more. I've actually considered it. All the input I'm getting from friends is to make another Bad Cat feature as a cross between the verbal silliness of Airplane! with the physical attributes of a Roadrunner/Coyote cartoon.

Hell, anything's possible. Ross (Friend in BC3) said he'd come back as the ACME delivery man. :lol:

I'm thinking about it. I want to get a few other projects out of the way first (that Vampire movie I wrote two years ago), but believe me, as long as this cat is alive, he'll be on the small screen again.
paul curley said:
Sorry but you need to take a film course in editing, mixing and camera.I don't want to sound mean I realy don't.I work in the Movie Industry here in L.A. and I know that was just for fun.But it was prety bad man.The entrance and exit of the visitor had bad lighting the sound mix was very bad as was the music ,camera angels were boring and what was up with the shacky shots of the sky and the the trees. Its good that you finish a short but please go to Movies and learn and make better polish shorts. I know you can.Thanks

Sir you are a ass.