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Avid Video Contest

Avid's holding a contest for 60 second videos.

Cool ideas. Hot technology. That’s what turns us on. What are you avid for? Maybe it’s snowboarding on fresh corduroy. Or all-night poetry slams. Or your best friend ’s band. Whatever it is, if you can convince us to love what you love in a 60-second video, you may win a trip to Las Vegas this April. You’ll be our guest at NAB 2006 and the Post|Production World Conference, where you’ll see the latest production gear, mingle with top media professionals at the Avid customer event, and have free access to training, seminars, and more. Or you may win Avid Xpress Pro editing software. All valid entries get a free t-shirt—and maybe some “air time” on the Avid Web site and at future industry events around the world!

Hmm, replace "Avid" with "Randy" a la Austin Powers and you have..

"Cool ideas. Hot technology. That’s what turns us on. What are you randy for? Maybe it’s snowboarding on fresh corduroy. Or all-night poetry slams. Or your best friend ’s band. Whatever it is, if you can convince us to love what you love in a 60-second video, you may win a trip to Las Vegas this April. You’ll be our guest at NAB 2006 and the Post|Production World Conference, where you’ll see the latest production gear, mingle with top media professionals at the Randy customer event, and have free access to training, seminars, and more. Or you may win Randy Xpress Pro editing software. All valid entries get a free t-shirt—and maybe some “air time” on the Randy Web site and at future industry events around the world!"

So get rraaandy!
Randy Xpress Pro

At last, the digital editing package (sic) I've been looking for all my life. The film may fall short of the 90 minutes you tried for, because it's just too tempting to give the entire production a good swift editing in just under 3 minutes. Of course it only does insert edits and not overwrites: but, despite the fact that you pay for usaage by the hour, the Pro version has an impressive set of pluggins.

Sorry -:blush: It's an affliction - I blame it on too much Benny Hill when I was going through puberty.
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I'd love to use Avid, but it's definately out of my budget range.

There's an extremely limited download version of Avid (WinXP, Mac OS only, so I can't use it). From what I understand, it's almost unusable. Has anyone had experience with this demo version?
Avid Xpress DV.. it's really not all that extremely limited. I prefer Vegas and/or Premiere though.. Avid's software installed a bunch of other tripe that gets loaded on boot time, quite annoying really.. OH, and it has proprietary formats too, so unless you capture footage in AVID, you can't use it.. that was my experience. Granted, I didn't play with it enough to pass judgement, just that I didn't feel compelled to change. I'll stick with Premiere.. especially with the new features in 2.0 (Multi-camera editing baby! Among other things)

Now I'm looking forward to my tax return.. the new edit machine I'm building will render in real-time if I have applied Magic Bullet coloring... faster without. :D
We're still waiting to get our Avid software from the Youngcuts festival in October... won it for best trailer (MB3K), but still haven't got it.. I went to an Avid seminar during the festival but it was pretty poor- they spent the majority of it talking about why "Avid is the leading editing system in the industry"... I won some training DVDs during the seminar, but I'm itching to use the software...
In my experience, if you've got $100,000 to spend on an editing suite then Avid is the way to go - but if you're more at the $1000 and under level then Avid is no competition for either Premiere or FCP.

Their editing suites are phenomenal. They are the industry leader, and for very good reasons. However, with the changing production environment who knows ... I know that FCP is rap[idly becoming more and more popular with professional editors. That's got ot be a worry for Avid.