Audition sides or a screenplay?

When you audition for a short film (4-6 pages screenplay), do you its better to give sides from your screenplay or just the whole thing?

I give a whole screenplay but somebody mentioned to me that it's a bad idea to give the whole piece, because "what I'd they steal it"?? On which I think it dumb to worry about.. Besides, it's kind of difficult to make a call just from one page.

So, what do you think? Sides or the whole short screenplay?
Whel If jou have 50 audition's, jou have a 120 page script. It wil cost jou 5.100 pages of paper. Thats a lot of work....

I wonder what lars von Trier does? Jea we are gona make a family movie.....about a son and his dad. Lets cal it .....Festen.
If you believe that an actor will so love your screenplay
that they will finance it and make it and edit it and
distribute it before you can, then do NOT show that actor
all 6 pages.

Is this "somebody" knowledgeable in the business? If
they are, then you should do exactly what they say. If
the "somebody" is just a friend who is not a working
lawyer or producer I thing you can ignore their thoughts
on this.

Is this a legit concern in your area? Do you know of actors
who audition for parts in short films and then take the script
and make the movie themselves?
For me, I give them about 2 pages of sides. Not because I'm worried about protecting my script, but I just think that is plenty to see if they can do it.

Also, some actors do really like to prepare and even memorize what you give them. Are you really going to ask them to prepare the entire script just to audition?
Dready - Haha no, of course I won't ask to memorize the whole thing.
Dir - oh god no, getting my screenplay "stolen" is the least of my concerns. I thought it was funny when I was told that the actors will steal the script. I guess some are a bit too paranoid!

Thank you for your replies!
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