• ATTENTION! This is not the discussion area, negative posts may be removed at any time.

Attracting Money...

You think money doesn't grow on trees?

What if the person who taught you that was told by another person who was told by another one, for generations...

While a certain group of investors knew that, in fact, money grows everywhere.

You want money for your next film? You want to attract abundance , in general ?

Go there, and if you want, you will be laughing on your way to the bank soon: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I'm already laughing... If I only knew that all I needed to do was SPEND money to GET money!!!

No wonder it's a secret!!!

Ahem. Do I get referral money for that sarcasm? Please?
Yeah.. a basic pyramid scheme that boasts a screensaver that alters your subconscious to increase sales through online stores and referrals... let me know if you actually make any money off that thing!

I can't find any negative feedback online, but I'm fairly sure that since most of the search results consisted of regurgitated and incomprehensible explainations, that... well, something is amiss. Like I said- let us know if you actually make money off that!

This is probably a referral scam too.
It has good info on what to expect from these things though.
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I understand your scepticism believe me. But after further research, and after talking with people that I trust, it is not a scam and it is a good package, not pyramidal at all. As for the screen saver, it reinforces your connection with the image of money, there is no hidden messages... It's based on the principle that your mind is a very powerful attractor. I'll keep you posted on my adventure... :cool:
I read your link carefully. You're asking us to make a Paypal payment of $125 to another country so we can get in on the ground floor on a pyramid scheme to (supposedly) receive $100 per new client we sign up and $100 from their first sales, down line forever. Do you realize that by just offering this, you're breaking a few federal laws here in the USA, don't you?
This is not a pyramid scheme. Many Americans buy this package. It is legal everywhere, I was told. It is not a scheme.


But I am withdrawing from the program, because I can see that there is a lot of negative perception around this kind of process... And that is not good for my site.

I took your comments and sent them to the admin of the package. I will let you know what he says.

thanks and have a good day
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This is not a pyramid scheme. Many Americans buy this package. It is legal everywhere, I was told. It is not a scheme.


But I am withdrawing from the program, because I can see that there is a lot of negative perception around this kind of process... And that is not good for my site.

I took your comments and sent them to the admin of the package. I will let you know what he says.

thanks and have a good day

That's very professional of you, no matter how it plays it.
Screen capture software

Hmmm... Windows Media Encoder will screen capture video and it's free. Windows only, but you could convert it later.

As far as this marketing goes, I don't know why you even posted this here. This is a filmmaking site. People on these forums want to make movies, not get involved in "new age" marketing schemes.
I think he learned his lesson, people are savvy on here and if you post something questionable you will be called out. He did the right thing and removed it.
Ditto that. Good call removing it... there's a LOT of "get-rich-quick" schemes on the internet.. I know a few people who did make money off of one called Quickstar... until the company was revealed to be a scam (like they all are).

You made the right choice!