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watch Attic (Horror Short)

Hey everyone, this is an incomplete short I unearthed this year. It was (nearly) done in 2010 when I was 11 after watching “Paranormal Activity” and subsequently made me go home and immediately make this (no joke, I made it that night with my dad’s 7D) but an hour into production the camera died, my weekend was booked and I forgot about it. So I edited the footage and made what I could. I don’t care for the incomplete storyline, but I’m a little humbled by my cinematography. Any feedback would be great, thanks!

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I've never seen the Paranormal movies. Is this a recreation of one of the scenes, or an original clip inspired by the film?

Those Jacob's ladders are scary as all getup, btw.

You've strung your shots together pretty well. Effective creepy ending.

Can't see our hero in some of the shots. Keep lighting in mind, on every shot.

You gonna continue this? :cool:
Wait, you made that when you were 11? Man that's great... I liked the feel of it and the shots were really good, especially the one that follows the string/puller for the stairs. The lighting could had been better, but with no preparation as you said, it's a great short.
Thanks everyone for the feedback. I'm a little picky about which of my shorts I post, so I upload really old ones only most of the time. I'll be updating my channel more however.

Is this a recreation of one of the scenes, or an original clip inspired by the film?

Nah, only reference I pulled off was the low rumble. Also, when you do see Paranormal, just watch the first one. Kinda like just watching the first two Godfather films.

Looking at your avatar, that's a heck of a beard for a 13 year old, I'm jealous! :-)

Haha, I wish that was me ;)

...especially the one that follows the string/puller for the stairs.

Thanks man, it was probably the hardest shot. I did the "fold up the front tripod foot and let the tripod down gently" trick :cool: