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Attaching gels to redheads?

This is probably a stupid question... but can I attach gels to redheads without them melting? I recently got some decent quality LEE 18cm x 18cm gels. Even if I attach them to the barn door, they would still get a lot of heat. Should I put the gels in a metal frame and them attach the frame to the barn door?
It's easier with blondes...


Anyway, yes, redheads are crazy hot. If you stick it on the end of the barn doors you should be fine, that'll put it several inches away from the lamp. Gels are made to take heat, that's what you bought them for.
Also, just as a general rule, when I affix a gel to barn doors (using C-47s) I always leave the top flap open to vent the heat, otherwise hot air tends to build up behind the gel and crumple it. Take care of spill with a flag or black wrap.