
First off, I'm in no way affiliated with the production. Just caught it on Hulu and thought it was a fairly compelling way to grab an audience. Decent production design and other things I like about it.

It is interesting if you look at the discussion. Many folks complained about the short episode format, which is too bad if their goal was to get enough audience support to justify funding from investors.

Anyone know more about this one?
Looks interesting but cant view hulu from outside the states. ill be back there soon so ill check it out then.

and no, i dont know anything abt it :)
oooo.. I just watched the first episode, without sound, and I like..

lol, I thought I was alone in watching stuff with the sound off. Of course I generally do that with subsequent viewings.

Anyway, I liked the 'series' as it were. Some obvious lowish budget things happening, but overall a great job on the production. More importantly, I thought they took a couple of familiar setups (two strangers trapped together; mother desperate to reunite with her child) and did them very well in this one.

I'm still trying to find out more info on how it wound up on Hulu in this format, and how effective or not effective that was in getting them more investment to finish it up. If anyone runs across anything, post it up!


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